Campos de metadados necessários para os arquivos de lançamento do debian?


Quais desses campos são necessários para um arquivo Release APT?

por ncomputers 31.01.2016 / 02:09

1 resposta


De acordo com a página do Wiki Debian no Formato do Repositório :

  • These fields are optional. They may be displayed to the user by package management tool or used for pinning. It is suggested that any repository published for other users to use fills meaningful information in these fields so that the user can tell apart different repositories.

    • Description
    • Origin
    • Label
    • Version
    • Suite
    • Codename

    In Debian repositories the indices are stored in a directory named after Suite or Codename (actually one is symlinked to the other). The Release file may specify other location, though.

  • These fields determine layout of the repository and should contain something meaningful to the user. In Debian these fields may contain lowercase characters, numbers, - and _. Other characters (e.g., uppercase letters) should also work but these fields are used for file paths so use of special characters that might need special treatment in URIs or filesystem is discouraged.

    • Components
    • Architectures
  • These fields are purely functional and used mostly internally by packaging tools.

    • Date
    • Valid-Until
    • MD5Sum, SHA1, SHA256
    • NotAutomatic and ButAutomaticUpgrades

Os campos necessários são:

  • Componentes
  • Arquiteturas

Estes são suficientes para layouts planos ( deb path/ ) Para arquivos de estilo oficiais ( deb stable main ), um adicional campo é obrigatório:

  • Codename
por 31.01.2016 / 03:54
