Dnschef: falha ao abrir o arquivo de log?


Estou usando dnschef em minha máquina Linux, mas isso me causou esse erro.

Como corrigir esse problema?

Além disso, posso usar dnschef (que usará a placa de rede localhost lo por padrão) e não tem esse problema.

por Albert Zhang 11.07.2018 / 03:21

1 resposta


Dê uma olhada no este tutorial . Ele mostra as várias maneiras de usar dnschef .

DNSChef is capable of storing activity log in an external file using the --logfile log1.txt command line parameter. Below is a snippet of a sample DNSChef session:

Então, algo assim:

$ dnschef -i wlan0 --logfile /tmp/dnschef.log

O uso completo

root@kali:~# dnschef -h
Usage: dnschef.py [options]:
          _                _          __
         | | version 0.1  | |        / _|
       __| |_ __  ___  ___| |__   ___| |_
      / _' | '_ \/ __|/ __| '_ \ / _ \  _|
     | (_| | | | \__ \ (__| | | |  __/ |
      \__,_|_| |_|___/\___|_| |_|\___|_|
                   [email protected]

DNSChef is a highly configurable DNS Proxy for Penetration Testers and Malware
Analysts. It is capable of fine configuration of which DNS replies to modify
or to simply proxy with real responses. In order to take advantage of the tool
you must either manually configure or poison DNS server entry to point to
DNSChef. The tool requires root privileges to run.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        IP address to use for matching DNS queries. If you use
                        this parameter without specifying domain names, then
                        all queries will be spoofed. Consider using --file
                        argument if you need to define more than one IP
                        A comma separated list of domain names which will be
                        resolved to a FAKE value specified in the --ip
                        parameter. All other domain names will be resolved to
                        their true values.
                        A comma separated list of domain names which will be
                        resolved to their TRUE values. All other domain names
                        will be resolved to a fake value specified in the --ip
                        A comma separated list of alternative DNS servers to
                        use with proxied requests. A randomly selected server
                        from the list will be used for proxy requests. By
                        default, the tool uses Google's public DNS server
  --file=FILE           Specify a file containing a list of DOMAIN=IP pairs
                        (one pair per line) used for DNS responses. For
                        example: google.com= will force all queries to
                        'google.com' to be resolved to ''. You can be
                        even more specific by combining --file with other
                        arguments. However, data obtained from the file will
                        take precedence over others.
  --interface=   Define an interface to use for the DNS listener. For
                        example, use to listen for only requests
                        coming from a loopback device.
  --tcp                 Use TCP DNS proxy instead of the default UDP.
  -q, --quiet           Don't show headers.

Problema nº 10 - não é possível abrir o arquivo de log

Seu problema parece, na verdade, um falso positivo. O erro real é este:

IOError code 13 (permission denied) is thrown on an attempt to bind to the default port 53 which requires the root permissions

Descobri isso aqui no repositório upstream do dnschef - link .

Nos comentários, as pessoas informam que esse problema ainda não foi resolvido e, mesmo quando o dnschef é executado, ainda está relatando o erro.

Linha de fundo

Soa como um bug em dnschef .


por 11.07.2018 / 05:11