Solução encontrada, usando este arquivo básico, mas funcionando .conf copiado de aqui e editado
# Vars
webports="{443, 80}"
## make IP reassembly work
set reassemble yes no-df
## ignore loopback traffic
set skip on lo0
# block everything unless told otherwise
# and send TCP-RST/ICMP unreachable
# for every packet which gets blocked
block return in log all
pass out all
# accept incoming SSH connections
pass in proto tcp to $ext_if port 22
# accept webeservers connections
pass in proto tcp to $ext_if port $webports
# accept icmp
pass in proto icmp all
## allow incoming messages from DHCP
pass in inet proto udp from port 67 to port 68
pass in inet6 proto udp from port 547 to port 546
## packet too big - needed for PMTUD
pass in inet6 proto ipv6-icmp icmp6-type 2
## router advertisement
pass in inet6 proto ipv6-icmp icmp6-type 134
## neighbor solicitation
pass in inet6 proto ipv6-icmp icmp6-type 135
## neighbor advertisement
pass in inet6 proto ipv6-icmp icmp6-type 136
## allow all connections initiated from this system,
## including DHCP requests
pass out