SSD com 8K blockize no Linux


Eu tenho uma unidade SSD que usa tamanho de bloco de 8K. No x86_64 Linux, o ext4 / xfs não suporta blocksize maior que o Linux PAGE_SIZE, que é 4K.

Eu tentei usar o LVM e o mdadm RAID0 com o conjunto de decapagem em 8K, esperando que a unidade recebesse solicitações de E / S de 8K, mas infelizmente todas as solicitações de IO são apenas 4K.

Como posso configurar a unidade de forma que o sistema de arquivos seja baseado em 4K (para manter o ext4 / xfs feliz), mas as solicitações enviadas para a unidade são de 8K?

Ou há algum código que eu possa escrever para que isso aconteça? Talvez brincar com o / dev / mapper? Estou aberto a idéias e sugestões.

A unidade SSD que estou usando é uma unidade eval que ainda não foi liberada. Funciona no Windows, sendo testado no Linux. Os seguintes dados são retornados para Identify namespace e controller data commands

Identify: Namespace data
Size in GiB:                                  4000
NSZE:  Size in 8K blocks:                     524288000
NCAP:  Capacity in 8K blocks:                 524288000
NUSE:  Utilization:                           524288000
       deallocate supported:                  0
       namespace atomic writes supported:     0
       thin provisioning supported:           0
NLBAF: number of LBA formats:                 0 (0 based)
FLBAS: formatted LBA size
       metadata at end of LBA:                0
       supported LBA format:                  0
MC:    metadata capabilities
       metadata in separate buffer supported: 0
       metadata in extended LBA supported:    0
DPC:   end to end data protection
       prot info in last 8 bytes of metadata: 0
       prot info in first 8 bytes of metadata 0
       prot info type 3 supported:            0
       prot info type 2 supported:            0
       prot info type 1 supported:            0
    DPS:   end to end data protection setting
       protection info in first 8 bytes:      0
       protection info type:                  0
NMIC:  namespace accessible by 2+ controllers 0
RESCAP: reservation capabilities
       NS supports exclusive all access:      0
       NS supports write exclusive all:       0
       NS supports exclusive all reg only:    0
       NS supports write exclusive reg only:  0
       NS supports exclusive access res:      0
       NS supports write exclusive res:       0
       NS supports persist through pow loss   0
FPI:   format progress indicator
       FPI supported:                         0
       percentage yet to be formatted:        0
NAWUN: NS write atomic unit normal:           0
NAWUPF NS write atomic unit power fail:       0
NACWU: NS atomic compare and write unit:      0
NABSN: NS atomic boundary size normal:        0
NABO:  NS atomic boundary offset:             0
NABSPF NS atomic boundary size power fail:    0
NVMCAP capacity in bytes:                     0
NSGUID                                            0x00000000000000000000000000000000
EUI64: IEEE extended UID:                     0x0000000000000000
LBA format 00:                                0xd0000
LBA format 01:                                0x0
LBA format 02:                                0x0
LBA format 03:                                0x0
LBA format 04:                                0x0
LBA format 05:                                0x0
LBA format 06:                                0x0
LBA format 07:                                0x0
LBA format 08:                                0x0
LBA format 09:                                0x0
LBA format 10:                                0x0
LBA format 11:                                0x0
LBA format 12:                                0x0
LBA format 13:                                0x0
LBA format 14:                                0x0
LBA format 15:                                0x0

Identify: Controller data
VID:   PCI vendor ID:                         deleted
SSVID: PCI subsystem vendor ID:               deleted
SN:    Serial number:                         1                   
MN:    Model number:                          deleted  
FR:    Firmware revision:                     3C408
RAB:   Recommended arbitration burst:         16
IEEE:  IEEE OUI:                              0x002508
       Controller associated with SR-IOV:     0
       Controller associated with PCIE:       1
       NVMSS contains multiple controllers:   0
       NVMSS contains multiple PCIE ports:    0
MDTS:  Max data transfer size:                5
CNTLID Controller ID:                         0x1
VER:   NVMe version:                          0x10200
RTD3R: RTD3 resume latency:                   1
RTD3E: RTD3 entry latency:                    1
OAES:  Optional async events supported
       NS attrib changed event supported:     0
OACS:  Optional admin command support
       NS management supported:               0
       FW commit & image download supported:  0
       Format NVMD cmd supported:             0
       Security send/recv supported:          0
ABCL:  Abort command limit:                   3
AERL:  Async event request limit:             3
FRMW:  Firmware updates
       Requires reset to activate FW:         1
       Number of FW slots:                    1
       FW slot 1 is read only:                0
LPA:   Log page attributes
       Command effects log page supported:    0
       SMART log reported on per NS basis:    0
ELPE:  Error log pages entries stored in dev: 31
NPSS:  Number of power states supported:      0 (0 based)
AVSCC: Admin vendor specific cmd confg
       Uses vendor specific admin vend cmds:  0
APSTA: Autonomous power state transitions sup 0
WCTEMP Warning composite temp threshold:      343
CCTEMP Critical composite temp threshold:     383
MTFA:  Max time for FW activation:            0
HMPRE: Host memory buffer preferred size:     0
HMMIN: Host memory buffer minimum size:       0
TNVMCAP Total NVM capacity:                   0
UNVMCAP Total unallocated NVM capacity:       0
RPMBS: Replay protected memory block support
       Access size:                           0
       Total size:                            0
       Authentication method:                 0
       Number of RPMB units:                  0
SQES:  Submission queue entry size
       Maximum entry size:                    6
       Minimum entry size:                    6
CQES:  Completion queue entry size
       Maximum entry size:                    4
       Minimum entry size:                    4
NN:    Number of namespaces:                  1
ONCS:  Optional NVM command support
       Reservations supported:                0
       Save field in set features supported:  0
       Write zeros supported:                 0
       DSM supported:                         1
       Write uncorrectable supported:         0
       Compare command supported:             0
FUSES: Fused operations supported:            0
FNA:   Format NVM attributes
       Cryptographic erase supported:         0
       Cryptographic erase applies to all NS: 0
       Format applies to all NS:              0
VWC:   Volatile write cache present:          0
AWUN:  Atomic write unit normal size:         0 (0 based)
AWUPF: Atomic write unit power fail size:     0 (0 based)
NVSCC: NVM vendor specific cmd config
       Uses vendor specific NVM vend cmds:    0
ACWU:  Atomic write and compare unit:         0
SGLS:  SGL support
       SGL length can be larger than data buf 0
       Byte aligned contiguous buf supported  0
       SGL bit bucket supported:              0
       SGLs for for NVM command set supported 0
por Mia Dawson 22.11.2018 / 02:29

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