VPN IPSec com Libreswan, mas sem tráfego através do túnel


Tenho algumas conexões VPN para alguns destinos. Um deles é IPSEC IKEv1 usando Libreswan no lado do cliente. O cliente é um "guerreiro da estrada". O servidor VPN funciona - eu posso conectar-me com sucesso ao Windows (Screwsoft-Client).

Eu joguei muito com a configuração e cheguei a isso:

config setup
protostack  =   netkey

conn Office1
authby      =   secret
right       =   some.domain.tld
rightid     =   @Office_admin
rightnexthop    =   %defaultroute
left        =
leftsubnet  =
leftvti     =
leftid      =   @Office
keyexchange =   ike
ike     =   aes256-sha2;modp2048
esp     =   aes256-sha2;modp2048
ikelifetime =   4h
keylife     =   8h
auto        =   add
aggrmode    =   yes
vti-interface = vti0
vti-routing =   yes
mark        =   5/0xffffffff

Ele se conecta e aparece, essa conexão está ligada! Bem!

003 "Office1": IKEv1 Aggressive Mode with PSK is vulnerable to dictionary attacks and is cracked on large scale by TLA's 
002 "Office1" #1: initiating Aggressive Mode 
112 "Office1" #1: STATE_AGGR_I1: initiate 
010 "Office1" #1: STATE_AGGR_I1: retransmission; will wait 0.5 seconds for response 
010 "Office1" #1: STATE_AGGR_I1: retransmission; will wait 1 seconds for response 
003 "Office1" #1: ignoring unknown Vendor ID payload [0048e2270bea8395ed778d343cc2a076] 
003 "Office1" #1: ignoring unknown Vendor ID payload [5cbeb399eb835a7d7a2eb495905db061] 
003 "Office1" #1: ignoring unknown Vendor ID payload [810fa565f8ab14369105d706fbd57279] 
002 "Office1" #1: Peer ID is ID_FQDN: '@Office' 
002 "Office1" #1: WARNING: connection Office1 PSK length of 13 bytes is too short for sha2_256 PRF in FIPS mode (16 bytes required) 
002 "Office1" #1: Peer ID is ID_FQDN: '@Office' 
004 "Office1" #1: STATE_AGGR_I2: sent AI2, ISAKMP SA established {auth=PRESHARED_KEY cipher=aes_256 integ=sha2_256 group=MODP2048} 
002 "Office1" #2: initiating Quick Mode PSK+ENCRYPT+TUNNEL+PFS+UP+AGGRESSIVE+IKEV1_ALLOW+IKEV2_ALLOW+SAREF_TRACK+IKE_FRAG_ALLOW+ESN_NO {using isakmp#1 msgid:f067a0d5 proposal=AES_CBC_256-HMAC_SHA2_256_128-MODP2048 pfsgroup=MODP2048} 
117 "Office1" #2: STATE_QUICK_I1: initiate 
010 "Office1" #2: STATE_QUICK_I1: retransmission; will wait 0.5 seconds for response 
002 "Office1" #2: prepare-client output: net.ipv4.conf.vti0.disable_policy = 1 
002 "Office1" #2: prepare-client output: net.ipv4.conf.vti0.rp_filter = 0 
002 "Office1" #2: prepare-client output: net.ipv4.conf.vti0.forwarding = 1 
002 "Office1" #2: route-client output: done ip route 
004 "Office1" #2: STATE_QUICK_I2: sent QI2, IPsec SA established tunnel mode {ESP/NAT=>0x7ab81f99 <0xa80c1c82 xfrm=AES_CBC_256-HMAC_SHA2_256_128 NATOA=none NATD=xx.yyy.zzz.vv:4500 DPD=passive} 

Mas não consigo tráfego pelo túnel. Não sei porque! Há algo mais a fazer? Criando uma rota talvez, mas como?

Se eu fizer um ping no, o tcpdump mostra:

13:45:31.577013 IP  > ICMP echo request, id 4654, seq 1, length 64 

ip tunnel show oferece:

vti0: ip/ip remote xx.yyy.zzz.vv local ttl inherit key 5
ip_vti0: ip/ip remote any local any ttl inherit nopmtudisc key 0

endereço IP show:

vti0@NONE: <POINTOPOINT,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1332 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
link/ipip peer xx.yyy.zzz.vv
inet scope global vti0
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

show de rotas ip:

default via dev enp0s12u2 proto dhcp metric 100
xx.yyy.zzz.v dev vti0 scope link dev enp0s12u2 scope link metric 1000 dev enp0s12u2 proto kernel scope link src metric 100 dev vti0 proto kernel scope link src 

Parece que nenhum pacote está voltando. O que está errado - o que está faltando?

por Johannes C. Schulz 01.08.2018 / 08:20

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