Uso relacionado a IPtables


Estou aprendendo sozinho para o Linux iptables. Eu estou fazendo alguns laboratórios que encontrei na web. Eu preciso resolver isso: estou usando VMware ou fazendo isso. meu windows machine ip é: e meu vm ip é

Execute os seguintes passos para esta seção:

Make certain that you have iptables services enabled and running instead of Firewalld.
Modify the iptables to meet the following conditions:

            1. All outgoing traffic is allowed.
            2. Responses to any traffic the machine sends out are allowed.
            Traffic on the loopback interface is allowed.
            3. The host machine (and only the host machine) must be able to ssh to that cloning-source VM.
            4. ICMP traffic is allowed if it originated with the local network only.
            5. As this is acting as the secure basis for later machines, no other traffic should be allowed, and no response should be sent if any other traffic is received.

Minha resposta foi a seguinte:

** 1 iptables -P SAÍDA ACEITAR

  1. iptables -I OUTPUT -j ACCEPT

  2. iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -s --sport 22 -j ACCEPT

  3. iptables -I INPUT -p icmp -s -j ACEITAR

  4. iptables -P INPUT DROP **

por Masum Billah 04.06.2018 / 20:52

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