Aqui está meu script. Depende de acpi
e acpitool
Exibe a porcentagem média de todas as baterias no dispositivo
Quanto tempo levará para que todas as baterias sejam totalmente carregadas (se o dispositivo estiver conectado) ou por quanto tempo até ficar completamente vazio (se não estiver conectado),
Diz que o dispositivo está sendo cobrado.
A saída final está no formato All batteries: Discharging 90%, 10:10:06 remaining
(com números diferentes e o Descarga pode ser de Carregamento).
get_time_until_charged() {
# parses acpitool's battery info for the remaining charge of all batteries and sums them up
sum_remaining_charge=$(acpitool -B | grep -E 'Remaining capacity' | awk '{print $4}' | grep -Eo "[0-9]+" | paste -sd+ | bc);
# finds the rate at which the batteries being drained at
present_rate=$(acpitool -B | grep -E 'Present rate' | awk '{print $4}' | grep -Eo "[0-9]+" | paste -sd+ | bc);
# divides current charge by the rate at which it's falling, then converts it into seconds for 'date'
seconds=$(bc <<< "scale = 10; ($sum_remaining_charge / $present_rate) * 3600");
# prettifies the seconds into h:mm:ss format
pretty_time=$(date -u -d @${seconds} +%T);
echo $pretty_time;
get_battery_combined_percent() {
# get charge of all batteries, combine them
total_charge=$(expr $(acpi -b | awk '{print $4}' | grep -Eo "[0-9]+" | paste -sd+ | bc));
# get amount of batteries in the device
battery_number=$(acpi -b | wc -l);
percent=$(expr $total_charge / $battery_number);
echo $percent;
get_battery_charging_status() {
if $(acpi -b | grep --quiet Discharging)
echo "Discharging";
else # acpi can give Unknown or Charging if charging,
echo "Charging";
echo "All batteries: $(get_battery_charging_status) $(get_battery_combined_percent)%, $(get_time_until_charged ) remaining";