No Debian 9 Thunderbird instalado experimental. Defina as prioridades definidas abaixo:
Package: thunderbird* lightning
Pin: release n=sid
Pin-Priority: 1100
Package: *
Pin: release n=stretch-backports
Pin-Priority: 400
Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 300
Package: *
Pin: release n=sid
Pin-Priority: 200
Package: *
Pin: release a=experimental
Pin-Priority: 50
apt-cache policy thunderbird:
Installed: 1:52.2.0-1
Candidate: 1:52.2.1-3
Version table:
1:52.2.1-3 1100
200 sid/main amd64 Packages
*** 1:52.2.0-1 100
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
1:45.8.0-3 500
500 stretch/main amd64 Packages
300 testing/main amd64 Packages
e o mesmo para relâmpago e thunderbird-l10n-pl
Existe uma versão mais nova no sid agora, mas quando tento atualizar ( apt-get dist-upgrade ):
The following packages have been kept back:
lightning thunderbird-l10n-pl
política do apt-cache:
thunderbird -> 1:52.2.1-3 with priority 1100
Como atualizar o pacote instalado de outro repositório?
Tags apt package-management debian