Não é possível iniciar o cromo como root no Debian 8.6


Depois de instalar o chromium na minha nova distro do Debin (editando sources.list acrescentando 'contrib non-free' como prompts do wiki), instalei o plugin flash guiado de link . Mas não posso fazer alterações permanentes no cromo sempre que abri-lo. Então eu decidi abri-lo a partir de um terminal como root. Então, o seguinte é despejado na minha tela.

A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, http://rev.linuxquestions.org/www/delivery/spc.php?zones=3%7C4%7C5%7C6%7C7%7C8%7C9%7C10%7C11&source=&r=12981559&charset=windows-1252&loc=http%3A//www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/gtk-message-failed-to-load-module-canberra-gtk-module-936168/&referer=https%3A//www.google.dk/, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, http://rev.linuxquestions.org/www/delivery/spc.php?zones=3%7C4%7C5%7C6%7C7%7C8%7C9%7C10%7C11&source=&r=12981559&charset=windows-1252&loc=http%3A//www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/gtk-message-failed-to-load-module-canberra-gtk-module-936168/&referer=https%3A//www.google.dk/, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, http://rev.linuxquestions.org/www/delivery/fl.js, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, http://tags.expo9.exponential.com/tags/LinuxQuestionsorg/Bottom/tags.js, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, http://tags.expo9.exponential.com/tags/LinuxQuestionsorg/Bottom/tags.js, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, http://a.tribalfusion.com/displayAd.js?dver=0.7&th=9287949380, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, http://a.tribalfusion.com/displayAd.js?dver=0.7&th=9287949380, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, http://a.tribalfusion.com/j.ad?flashVer=0&ver=1.27&th=9287949380&tagKey=551156062&site=linuxquestionsorg&adSpace=bottom&center=1&size=336x280,300x250&env=display&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.linuxquestions.org%2Fquestions%2Flinux-software-2%2Fgtk-message-failed-to-load-module-canberra-gtk-module-936168%2F&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.dk%2F&f=0&p=6294922&tKey=abmneMYrfl0qurSUvZcWFMY0EUiPneZdCI&a=1&adContainerId=richmedia_2&rnd=6293567, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, http://a.tribalfusion.com/j.ad?flashVer=0&ver=1.27&th=9287949380&tagKey=551156062&site=linuxquestionsorg&adSpace=bottom&center=1&size=336x280,300x250&env=display&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.linuxquestions.org%2Fquestions%2Flinux-software-2%2Fgtk-message-failed-to-load-module-canberra-gtk-module-936168%2F&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.dk%2F&f=0&p=6294922&tKey=abmneMYrfl0qurSUvZcWFMY0EUiPneZdCI&a=1&adContainerId=richmedia_2&rnd=6293567, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, https://ap.lijit.com/www/delivery/fpi.js?z=136509&u=linuxquestions&width=160&height=600, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, https://ap.lijit.com/www/delivery/fpi.js?z=136509&u=linuxquestions&width=160&height=600, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, https://s.skimresources.com/js/21603X797475X981.adunit.js, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, https://s.skimresources.com/js/21603X797475X981.adunit.js, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity.
jimx@debian:~$ ^C
jimx@debian:~$ chromium
jimx@debian:~$ sudo chromium
[sudo] password for jimx: 
[1:1:1107/202126:FATAL:sandbox_linux.cc(180)] Check failed: sandbox::Credentials::MoveToNewUserNS(). 
#0 0x7f841192fa7e <unknown>
#1 0x7f841194385b <unknown>
#2 0x7f84157376fd <unknown>
#3 0x7f841438cac3 <unknown>
#4 0x7f84118fcaa6 <unknown>
#5 0x7f84118fdf2b <unknown>
#6 0x7f84118fc7a0 <unknown>
#7 0x7f84114ae46a ChromeMain
#8 0x7f8409997b45 __libc_start_main
#9 0x7f84114ae319 <unknown>

Received signal 6
#0 0x7f841192f558 <unknown>
#1 0x7f841057c8d0 <unknown>
#2 0x7f84099ab067 gsignal
#3 0x7f84099ac448 abort
#4 0x7f841192ea42 <unknown>
#5 0x7f8411943b63 <unknown>
#6 0x7f84157376fd <unknown>
#7 0x7f841438cac3 <unknown>
#8 0x7f84118fcaa6 <unknown>
#9 0x7f84118fdf2b <unknown>
#10 0x7f84118fc7a0 <unknown>
#11 0x7f84114ae46a ChromeMain
#12 0x7f8409997b45 __libc_start_main
#13 0x7f84114ae319 <unknown>
  r8: ffffff86d0fd3038  r9: ffffff86d0fd3028 r10: 0000000000000008 r11: 0000000000000202
 r12: 00007ffd48f22688 r13: 00007f8419ee73a0 r14: 00007ffd48f21ce8 r15: 00007ffd48f21cd8
  di: 0000000000000001  si: 0000000000000001  bp: 00007f84166b39e0  bx: 0000000000000000
  dx: 0000000000000006  ax: 0000000000000000  cx: ffffffffffffffff  sp: 00007ffd48f21208
  ip: 00007f84099ab067 efl: 0000000000000202 cgf: 0000000000000033 erf: 0000000000000000
 trp: 0000000000000000 msk: 0000000000000000 cr2: 0000000000000000
[end of stack trace]
[6869:6869:1107/202126:FATAL:zygote_host_impl_linux.cc(196)] Check failed: ReceiveFixedMessage(fds[0], kZygoteHelloMessage, sizeof(kZygoteHelloMessage), &real_pid). 
#0 0x7f3a554eca7e <unknown>
#1 0x7f3a5550085b <unknown>
#2 0x7f3a57f48255 <unknown>
#3 0x7f3a57f472ae <unknown>
#4 0x7f3a57f4789e <unknown>
#5 0x7f3a57fdee80 <unknown>
#6 0x7f3a57da103d <unknown>
#7 0x7f3a57da0bca <unknown>
#8 0x7f3a554baf2b <unknown>
#9 0x7f3a554b97a0 <unknown>
#10 0x7f3a5506b46a ChromeMain
#11 0x7f3a4d554b45 __libc_start_main
#12 0x7f3a5506b319 <unknown>

Qualquer ajuda será muito apreciada. Eu instalei o Debian como sendo conhecido pela estabilidade, algo que ainda não posso desfrutar

por jimx 07.11.2016 / 20:25

0 respostas
