juju gomaasapi: erro de volta do servidor: 504 Tempo limite do gateway

juju bootstrap error

    juju bootstrap --debug --> Fails 
    juju bootstrap --upload-tools --debug  --> Success

    juju bootstrap --debug ----Error below

    Error 1:gomaasapi: got error back from server: 504 Gateway Timeout
    The system cannot communicate with the external server ( 170.x.x.x ).  

Note: 170.x.x.x is eth0 non PXE interface (This is where internet is) ....eth1 is 10.x.x.x network ..PXE boot interface..

     Error 2: The Internet server may be busy, may be permanently down, or may be
    unreachable because of network problems

   environment.yaml Proxy defined under openstack and maas....as well defined in different combinations ie defined under openstack only or maas only or both

     type:  openstack
        juju set-env http-proxy: http://x.x.x.x:80
        juju set-env https-proxy: http://x.x.x.x:80
        juju set-env no-proxy: localhost,,170.x.x.x/26
    Also under 
          juju set-env http-proxy: http://x.x.x.x:80
          juju set-env https-proxy: http://x.x.x.x:80
          juju set-env no-proxy: localhost,,170.x.x.x/26
Also http, https and no proxy define in env ie export http_proxy etc

tail -f   /var/log/maas/regiond.log

    2016-05-09 13:19:01 [-] - - [09/May/2016:20:19:01 +0000] "GET   /MAAS/rpc/ HTTP/1.1" 200 388 "-"  "provisioningserver.rpc.clusterservice.ClusterClientService"
    2016-05-09 13:19:05 [HTTPChannel,14,] Opening connection with  IPv4Address(TCP, '', 56410)
    2016-05-09 13:19:05 [-] Closing connection:  (u'Failed to authenticate user.')
    2016-05-09 13:19:11 [HTTPChannel,15,] Opening connection with IPv4Address(TCP, '', 56414)
    2016-05-09 13:19:11 [-] Closing connection:  (u'Failed to authenticate user.')
    2016-05-09 13:19:17 [HTTPChannel,16,] Opening connection with IPv4Address(TCP, '', 56418)
    2016-05-09 13:19:17 [-] Closing connection:  (u'Failed to authenticate user.')
por aavam 09.05.2016 / 23:09

1 resposta


Se as ferramentas de upload funcionar e não funcionar, provavelmente você precisará das seguintes abertas :

O MAAS, seus nodos e o piloto automático precisarão acessar a internet, ou pelo menos esses sites (http e https):

  • maas.ubuntu.com
  • cloud-images.ubuntu.com
  • streams.canonical.com
  • um arquivo Ubuntu (archive.ubuntu.com ou um espelho)
  • api.jujucharms.com
  • manage.jujucharms.com
  • jujucharms.com
  • store.juju.ubuntu.com
  • keyserver.ubuntu.com
  • ppa.launchpad.net
  • usn.ubuntu.com

Se abrir buracos em um firewall, lembre-se de que esses endereços podem ser resolvidos para vários IPs.

por dpb 10.05.2016 / 02:37