Tweak Conky Layout através de um script


Estou usando um script no Conky para exibir meu novo Gmail na minha área de trabalho.

Funciona lindamente, mas é meio feio e não sei como consertar isso.

O que eu tenho atualmente é assim:


Qualquer ideia de como fazer isso acontecer é muito apreciada. Aqui está o script que estou usando em sua totalidade.


use Switch;
use Text::Wrap;

my $what=$ARGV[0];

$user="username"; #username for gmail account
$pass="password"; #password for gmail account
$file="/tmp/gmail.html"; #temporary file to store gmail

#wrap format for subject
$Text::Wrap::columns=65; #Number of columns to wrap subject at
$initial_tab=""; #Tab for first line of subject
$subsequent_tab="\t"; #tab for wrapped lines
$quote="\""; #put quotes around subject

#limit the number of emails to be displayed
$emails=-1; #if -1 display all emails

&passwd; #give password the proper url character encoding

switch($what){ #determine what the user wants
    case "n" {&gmail; print "$new\n";} #print number of new emails
    case "s" { #print $from and $subj for new email
        if ($new>0){
            my $size=@from;
            if ($emails!=-1 && $size>$emails){$size=$emails;} #limit number of emails displayed
            for(my $i=0; $i$emails){print "$emails out of $size new emails displayed\n";}
    case "e" { #print number of new emails, $from, and $subj
        if($new==0){print "You have no new emails.\n";}
            print "You have $new new email(s).\n";
            my $size=@from;
            if ($emails!=-1 && $size>$emails){$size=$emails;} #limit number of emails displayed
            for(my $i=0; $i$emails){print "$emails out of $size new emails displayed\n";}
    else {
        print "Usage Error: \n";
        print "\tn displays number of new emails\n";
        print "\ts displays from line and subject line for each new email.\n";
        print "\te displays the number of new emails and from line plus \n";
        print "\t\tsubject line for each new email.\n";
    } #didn't give proper option

sub gmail{
    if(!(-e $file)){ #create file if it does not exists
        'touch $file';

    #get new emails
    'wget -O - https://$user:$pass\ --no-check-certificate> $file';

    open(IN, $file); #open $file

    my $i=0; #initialize count
    $new=0; #initialize new emails to 0

    my $flag=0;

    while(){ #cycle through $file
        elsif(/(\d+)/){$new=$1;} #grab number of new emails
            if(/.+/){push(@subj, &msg);} #grab new email titles
            elsif(/(.+)/){push(@from, $1); $flag=0;} #grab new email from lines

    close(IN); #close $file

sub passwd{ #change to url escape codes in password

sub msg{
    chomp; s/(.+)/$1/; #get just the subject
    #now replace any special characters
    s/\&\#33\;/!/g;        #Exclamation mark
    s/\&\#34\;/"/g; s/\&quot\;/"/g;      #Quotation mark
    s/\&\#35\;/#/g;        #Number sign
    s/\&\#36\;/\$/g;        #Dollar sign
    s/\&\#37\;/%/g;        #Percent sign
    s/\&\#38\;/&/g; s/\&amp\;/&/g;        #Ampersand
    s/\&\#39\;/'/g;        #Apostrophe
    s/\&\#40\;/(/g;        #Left parenthesis
    s/\&\#41\;/)/g;        #Right parenthesis
    s/\&\#42\;/*/g;        #Asterisk
    s/\&\#43\;/+/g;        #Plus sign
    s/\&\#44\;/,/g;        #Comma
    s/\&\#45\;/-/g;        #Hyphen
    s/\&\#46\;/./g;        #Period (fullstop)
    s/\&\#47\;/\//g;        #Solidus (slash)
    s/\&\#58\;/:/g;        #Colon
    s/\&\#59\;/\;/g;        #Semi-colon
    s/\&\#60\;//g; s/\&gt\;/>/g;        #Greater than
    s/\&\#63\;/\?/g;        #Question mark
    s/\&\#64\;/\@/g;        #Commercial at
    s/\&\#91\;/\[/g;        #Left square bracket
    s/\&\#92\;/\/g;        #Reverse solidus (backslash)
    s/\&\#93\;/\]/g;        #Right square bracket
    s/\&\#94\;/\^/g;        #Caret
    s/\&\#95\;/_/g;        #Horizontal bar (underscore)
    s/\&\#96\;/\'/g;        #Acute accent
    s/\&\#123\;/\{/g;        #Left curly brace
    s/\&\#124\;/|/g;        #Vertical bar
    s/\&\#125\;/\}/g;        #Right curly brace
    s/\&\#126\;/~/g;        #Tilde
    s/\&\#161\;/¡/g;        #Inverted exclamation
    s/\&\#162\;/¢/g;        #Cent sign
    s/\&\#163\;/£/g;        #Pound sterling
    s/\&\#164\;/¤/g;        #General currency sign
    s/\&\#165\;/¥/g;        #Yen sign
    s/\&\#166\;/¦/g;        #Broken vertical bar
    s/\&\#167\;/§/g;        #Section sign
    s/\&\#168\;/¨/g;        #Umlaut (dieresis)
    s/\&\#169\;/©/g; s/\&copy\;/©/g;        #Copyright
    s/\&\#170\;/ª/g;        #Feminine ordinal
    s/\&\#171\;/«/g;        #Left angle quote, guillemotleft
    s/\&\#172\;/¬/g;        #Not sign
    s/\&\#174\;/®/g;        #Registered trademark
    s/\&\#175\;/¯/g;        #Macron accent
    s/\&\#176\;/°/g;        #Degree sign
    s/\&\#177\;/±/g;        #Plus or minus
    s/\&\#178\;/²/g;        #Superscript two
    s/\&\#179\;/³/g;        #Superscript three
    s/\&\#180\;/´/g;        #Acute accent
    s/\&\#181\;/µ/g;        #Micro sign
    s/\&\#182\;/¶/g;        #Paragraph sign
    s/\&\#183\;/·/g;        #Middle dot
    s/\&\#184\;/¸/g;        #Cedilla
    s/\&\#185\;/¹/g;        #Superscript one
    s/\&\#186\;/º/g;        #Masculine ordinal
    s/\&\#187\;/»/g;        #Right angle quote, guillemotright
    s/\&\#188\;/¼/g; s/\&frac14\;/¼/g;       # Fraction one-fourth
    s/\&\#189\;/½/g; s/\&frac12\;/½/g;       # Fraction one-half
    s/\&\#190\;/¾/g; s/\&frac34\;/¾/g;       # Fraction three-fourths
    s/\&\#191\;/¿/g;        #Inverted question mark
    s/\&\#192\;/À/g;        #Capital A, grave accent
    s/\&\#193\;/Á/g;        #Capital A, acute accent
    s/\&\#194\;/Â/g;        #Capital A, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#195\;/Ã/g;        #Capital A, tilde
    s/\&\#196\;/Ä/g;        #Capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#197\;/Å/g;        #Capital A, ring
    s/\&\#198\;/Æ/g;        #Capital AE dipthong (ligature)
    s/\&\#199\;/Ç/g;        #Capital C, cedilla
    s/\&\#200\;/È/g;        #Capital E, grave accent
    s/\&\#201\;/É/g;        #Capital E, acute accent
    s/\&\#202\;/Ê/g;        #Capital E, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#203\;/Ë/g;        #Capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#204\;/Ì/g;        #Capital I, grave accent
    s/\&\#205\;/Í/g;        #Capital I, acute accent
    s/\&\#206\;/Î/g;        #Capital I, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#207\;/Ï/g;        #Capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark   
    s/\&\#208\;/Ð/g;        #Capital Eth, Icelandic
    s/\&\#209\;/Ñ/g;        #Capital N, tilde
    s/\&\#210\;/Ò/g;        #Capital O, grave accent
    s/\&\#211\;/Ó/g;        #Capital O, acute accent
    s/\&\#212\;/Ô/g;        #Capital O, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#213\;/Õ/g;        #Capital O, tilde
    s/\&\#214\;/Ö/g;        #Capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#215\;/×/g;        #Multiply sign
    s/\&\#216\;/Ø/g;        #Capital O, slash
    s/\&\#217\;/Ù/g;        #Capital U, grave accent
    s/\&\#218\;/Ú/g;        #Capital U, acute accent
    s/\&\#219\;/Û/g;        #Capital U, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#220\;/Ü/g;        #Capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#221\;/Ý/g;        #Capital Y, acute accent
    s/\&\#222\;/Þ/g;        #Capital THORN, Icelandic
    s/\&\#223\;/ß/g;        #Small sharp s, German (sz ligature)
    s/\&\#224\;/à/g;        #Small a, grave accent
    s/\&\#225\;/á/g;        #Small a, acute accent
    s/\&\#226\;/â/g;        #Small a, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#227\;/ã/g;        #Small a, tilde
    s/\&\#228\;/ä/g;        #Small a, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#229\;/å/g;        #Small a, ring
    s/\&\#230\;/æ/g;        #Small ae dipthong (ligature)
    s/\&\#231\;/ç/g;        #Small c, cedilla
    s/\&\#232\;/è/g;        #Small e, grave accent
    s/\&\#233\;/é/g;        #Small e, acute accent
    s/\&\#234\;/ê/g;        #Small e, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#235\;/ë/g;        #Small e, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#236\;/ì/g;        #Small i, grave accent
    s/\&\#237\;/í/g;        #Small i, acute accent
    s/\&\#238\;/î/g;        #Small i, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#239\;/ï/g;        #Small i, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#240\;/ð/g;        #Small eth, Icelandic
    s/\&\#241\;/ñ/g;        #Small n, tilde
    s/\&\#242\;/ò/g;        #Small o, grave accent
    s/\&\#243\;/ó/g;        #Small o, acute accent
    s/\&\#244\;/ô/g;        #Small o, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#245\;/õ/g;        #Small o, tilde
    s/\&\#246\;/ö/g;        #Small o, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#247\;/÷/g;        #Division sign
    s/\&\#248\;/ø/g;        #Small o, slash
    s/\&\#249\;/ù/g;        #Small u, grave accent
    s/\&\#250\;/ú/g;        #Small u, acute accent
    s/\&\#251\;/û/g;        #Small u, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#252\;/ü/g;        #Small u, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#253\;/ý/g;        #Small y, acute accent
    s/\&\#254\;/þ/g;        #Small thorn, Icelandic
    s/\&\#255\;/ÿ/g;        #Small y, dieresis or umlaut mark
    return $_;

Depois de fazer as alterações de Ward:

por begtognen 28.01.2011 / 19:24

1 resposta


A parte relevante para atualização pode ser encontrada nesta parte do script (retirada do link fornecido e com "De:" e aspas editadas):

case "s" { #print $from and $subj for new email
    if ($new>0){
        my $size=@from;
        if ($emails!=-1 && $size>$emails){$size=$emails;} #limit number of emails displayed
        for(my $i=0; $i<$size; ++$i){
            print "$from[$i]\n"; #print from line
            print wrap($initial_tab, $subsequent_tab, $text); #print subject with word wrap
        if ($emails!=-1 && $size >$emails){print "$emails out of $size new emails displayed\n";}

O que você quer fazer aqui é adicionar um print para hr (linha horizontal do conky) e editar a fonte em torno do assunto usando a variável font . Aqui está um exemplo, note que eu não pude testá-lo.

case "s" { #print $from and $subj for new email
    if ($new>0){
        my $size=@from;
        if ($emails!=-1 && $size>$emails){$size=$emails;} #limit number of emails displayed
        for(my $i=0; $i<$size; ++$i){
            print "$from[$i]\n"; #print from line
            $text='${font sans:style=normal:size=10}'.$subj[$i].'${font}'."\n";
            print wrap($initial_tab, $subsequent_tab, $text); #print subject with word wrap
            print '${hr}' . "\n";
        if ($emails!=-1 && $size >$emails){print "$emails out of $size new emails displayed\n";}

O ${font} no final do assunto deve retornar as coisas para a fonte circundante, tanto quanto eu sei. Caso contrário, talvez seja necessário definir sua fonte mais strong novamente após o último encerramento.

por Ward Muylaert 29.01.2011 / 14:04