spotify (cliente nativo do linux)
Como o Spotify inclui um indicador para controlar algumas de suas funções, isso nos permite usar dbus
para enviar eventos.
Existe um ótimo script em ubuntuforums que abrange isso.
Primeiro, instale um pré-requisito:
sudo apt-get install libnet-dbus-perl
Agora copie e cole o script em um arquivo de texto chamado spcmd
e salve-o em sua pasta pessoal.
Conceder direitos de execução:
chmod +x ~/spcmd
Vamos mover isso para uma pasta mais útil:
mv ~/spcmd /usr/local/bin
Agora, vamos criar uma lista rápida.
Primeiro copie o arquivo de área de trabalho spotify para sua pasta pessoal:
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications
cp /usr/share/applications/spotify.desktop ~/.local/share/applications
Abra o arquivo e copie e cole a lista rápida no final do arquivo. Salve isso.
gedit ~/.local/share/applications/spotify.desktop
resultado final
#!/usr/bin/perluse5.010;usestrict;usewarnings;useFile::Basename;useNet::DBus;#Figureoutsomedbusstuffunless(defined$ENV{'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS'}){&set_DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS;#die"Don't know which dbus to attach to.\nMake sure environment variable DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS is set.";
#my $bus = Net::DBus->find;
my $bus = Net::DBus->session;
my $spotify = $bus->get_service("org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify");
my $player = $spotify->get_object("/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2", "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player");
my $application = $spotify->get_object("/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2", "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2");
my $getorset = $spotify->get_object("/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties");
# Handle command line argument
if (scalar @ARGV == 0) { &print_help; }
given ($ARGV[0]) {
# when ('play') { $player->Play(); } #Does not work for some reason.
when ('pause') { $player->Pause(); }
when ('playpause') { $player->PlayPause(); }
when ('next') { $player->Next(); }
when ('previous') { $player->Previous(); }
when ('stop') { $player->Stop(); }
when ('playstatus') { print $getorset->Get("org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player", "PlaybackStatus") . "\n"; }
when (m/\bspotify:(artist|album|track):[0-9a-zA-z]{22}\b/) { $player->OpenUri($_); }
when ('metadata-debug') { &print_debug_metadata; }
default { &print_help; }
# Print the help text
sub print_help {
print "USAGE: " . basename($0) . " {pause|playpause|next|previous|stop|playstatus|met adata-debug|<spotify URI>}\n\n";
print "\t" . "pause" . "\t\t" . "Causes spotify to pause current playback." . "\n";
print "\t" . "playpause" . "\t" . "Causes spotify to pause or play current playback." . "\n";
print "\t" . "next" . "\t\t" . "Goes to next song." . "\n";
print "\t" . "previous" . "\t" . "Goes to previous song." . "\n";
print "\t" . "stop" . "\t\t" . "Stops playback." . "\n";
print "\t" . "playstatus" . "\t" . "Prints current playstatus (Playing/Paused)." . "\n";
print "\t" . "<spotify URI>" . "\t" . "Starts playing supplied URI." . "\n";
print "\t" . "metadata-debug" . "\t" . "Shows available data on currently playing song." . "\n";
print "\t" . "\t\t" . "Fairly unformatted, thus \"debug\" data." . "\n";
print "\n";
print "EXAMPLES:\t" . basename($0) . " playpause" . "\n";
print "\t\t" . basename($0) . " spotify:track:5XXAq1r5r73ZyBS0XAiGw0" . "\n";
# Print some raw metadata
sub print_debug_metadata {
# Dereference the metadata hashref by copying it to a local hash
my %metadata = %{ $getorset->Get("org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player", "Metadata") };
# Print all metadata
print "Now Playing:\n";
for (keys %metadata) {
print $_ . ":\t" . $metadata{$_} . "\n" unless ($_ eq 'xesam:artist');
# Dereference the artist arrayref by copying it to local array
my @artistarray = @{ $metadata{'xesam:artist'} };
# Print all artists.
foreach my $artist (@artistarray) {
print "artist: \t" . $artist . "\n";
my $curruser = 'whoami'; chomp $curruser;
my $procname = 'spotify';
my $pid = 'pgrep -o -u $curruser $procname'; chomp $pid;
my $environ = '/proc/' . $pid . '/environ';
my $dbussession = 'grep -z DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS $environ'; $dbussession =~ s/^DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=//;
$ENV{'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS'} = $dbussession;