A atualização do Ubuntu com o XFCE faz a bateria do mouse morrer muito rápido


Eu recentemente atualizei meu Ubuntu. Eu sempre não gostei do Unity porque é muito lento, então decidi mudar para o XFCE.

O problema é , desde que fiz isso (1 mês atrás), passei por 3 baterias Energizer e uma bateria Duracel para meu mouse sem fio. Normalmente, um batedor vai durar 1 mês, pelo menos, então isso é muito incomum.

Eu não tenho ideia do que procurar para diagnosticar esse problema. Qualquer orientação seria apreciada. Acabei de colocar minha quinta bateria para o mês.

Estou usando o Logitech M210

No caso de algo disso ajudar:

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 14.10
Release:    14.10
Codename:   utopic


$ aptitude search xfce | grep ^i
i A gtk2-engines-xfce               - GTK+-2.0 theme engine for Xfce            
i   gtk3-engines-xfce               - GTK+-3.0 theme engine for Xfce            
i A libxfce4ui-1-0                  - widget library for Xfce - Gtk+2 variant   
i A libxfce4ui-common               - common files for libxfce4ui               
i A libxfce4ui-utils                - Utility files for libxfce4ui              
i A libxfce4util-bin                - tools for libxfce4util                    
i A libxfce4util-common             - common files for libxfce4util             
i A libxfce4util6                   - Utility functions library for Xfce4       
i A libxfcegui4-4                   - Basic GUI C functions for Xfce4           
i   xfce4                           - Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desk
i A xfce4-appfinder                 - Application finder for the Xfce4 Desktop E
i A xfce4-artwork                   - additional artwork for the Xfce4 Desktop E
i A xfce4-battery-plugin            - battery monitor plugin for the Xfce4 panel
i A xfce4-clipman                   - clipboard history utility                 
i A xfce4-clipman-plugin            - clipboard history plugin for Xfce panel   
i A xfce4-cpufreq-plugin            - cpufreq information plugin for the Xfce4 p
i A xfce4-cpugraph-plugin           - CPU load graph plugin for the Xfce4 panel 
i A xfce4-datetime-plugin           - date and time plugin for the Xfce4 panel  
i A xfce4-dict                      - Dictionary plugin for Xfce4 panel         
i A xfce4-diskperf-plugin           - disk performance display plugin for the Xf
i A xfce4-fsguard-plugin            - filesystem monitor plugin for the Xfce4 pa
i A xfce4-genmon-plugin             - Generic Monitor for the Xfce4 panel       
i   xfce4-goodies                   - enhancements for the Xfce4 Desktop Environ
i A xfce4-mailwatch-plugin          - mail watcher plugin for the Xfce4 panel   
i   xfce4-messenger-plugin          - Dbus messages plugin for xfce4-panel      
i A xfce4-mixer                     - Xfce mixer application                    
i A xfce4-mount-plugin              - mount plugin for the Xfce4 panel          
i A xfce4-netload-plugin            - network load monitor plugin for the Xfce4 
i A xfce4-notes                     - Notes application for the Xfce4 desktop   
i A xfce4-notes-plugin              - Notes plugin for the Xfce4 desktop        
i A xfce4-notifyd                   - simple, visually-appealing notification da
i A xfce4-panel                     - panel for Xfce4 desktop environment       
i A xfce4-places-plugin             - quick access to folders, documents and rem
i   xfce4-power-manager             - power manager for Xfce desktop            
i A xfce4-power-manager-data        - power manager for Xfce desktop, arch-indep
i   xfce4-power-manager-plugins     - power manager plugins for Xfce panel      
i A xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin      - rapid launcher plugin for the Xfce4 panel 
i   xfce4-radio-plugin              - v4l radio control plugin for the Xfce4 pan
i A xfce4-screenshooter             - screenshots utility for Xfce              
i A xfce4-sensors-plugin            - hardware sensors plugin for the Xfce4 pane
i A xfce4-session                   - Xfce4 Session Manager                     
i A xfce4-settings                  - graphical application for managing Xfce se
i A xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin      - search the web via the Xfce4 panel        
i A xfce4-systemload-plugin         - system load monitor plugin for the Xfce4 p
i A xfce4-taskmanager               - process manager for the Xfce4 Desktop Envi
i A xfce4-terminal                  - Xfce terminal emulator                    
i A xfce4-timer-plugin              - timer plugin for Xfce panel               
i A xfce4-verve-plugin              - Verve (command line) plugin for Xfce panel
i A xfce4-volumed                   - volume keys daemon                        
i A xfce4-wavelan-plugin            - wavelan status plugin for the Xfce4 panel 
i A xfce4-weather-plugin            - weather information plugin for the Xfce4 p
i   xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin        - Alternate menu plugin for the Xfce desktop
i A xfce4-xkb-plugin                - xkb layout switch plugin for the Xfce4 pan
por Housni 29.03.2015 / 19:21

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