Se você quer o mais novo do novo para o LibreOffice, você pode colocar o ppa em seu computador:
Depois de clicar neste link, leia a seção "Adicionando este PPA ao seu sistema" para certificar-se de instalá-lo corretamente para o seu sistema 12.04.
Se este pacote for 'de ponta', eu usaria o seguinte ppa para o LibreOffice que poderia ajudar também:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Para ler as instruções, siga este link aqui: link Para citar o site sobre o que este ppa é sobre:
LibreOffice test builds and backports
Most of the packages in this ppa have only experienced minor testing -- in fact it is the place to enable a wider audience to test packages before they are published into the distro proper. In general this ppa is not for the average user to install without a closer look (if it would be, its packages would be in the main repositories).
In general, users are adviced to take a look at the changelog for the details about a package. If there is a specific bug that is intended to be addressed by an update released into the ppa, you are encouraged to test, if the update solves that problem. Packages published after the distro release are mostly such specific fixes. Critical fixes will SRUed into the main repositories after testing anyway (later, with more testing).
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