Isso deve funcionar em teoria, mas eu tenho duas idéias sobre isso:
Copie os debs baixados para /var/cache/apt/archives/
em vez de instalá-los com dpkg -i
. É aí que o apt procura pacotes e faz o download deles.
E provavelmente ainda melhor: confira apt-zip :
APT-ZIP is a package to update a non-networked computer using apt and a (removable) media (harddisk, USB key, ZIP drive...)
The apt-zip-list and apt-zip-inst commands simplify the upgrade process of a non-networked Debian host using apt , by using (preferably high-capacity) removable media, like a ZIP or USB drive.
apt-zip-list produces two files. One is a 'fetch´script (supporting wget backends, in a modular, extensible way) that can be used on another host (maybe not running a Debian system with good connectivity to the Internet) to fetch packages previously selected in dselect(8) or indicated in the command line and then install the packages on your Debian box; the other apt-zip.options saves the options used by apt-zip-list to indicates to apt-zip-inst what action to perform and/or which packages to install.