Instalando libs mais rápido


(anteriormente) Sou novato no Ubuntu, então estou instalando o vinho seguindo as instruções para construir o biarch (não sei muito bem o que é) de link e tudo está indo bem, mas eu cheguei no ponto bash configure --enable-win64 e vinho instruções recomenda:

"Se as etapas configure ou make falharem, verifique o arquivo config.log para certificar-se de que não há dependências de compilação ausentes. Se você não conseguir descobrir, pergunte no fórum ou no IRC."

e no meu terminal eu coincidentemente tenho:

configure: libGLU development files not found, GLU won't be supported.
configure: libOSMesa development files not found (or too old), OpenGL rendering in bitmaps won't be supported.
configure: OpenCL development files not found, OpenCL won't be supported.
configure: libdbus development files not found, no dynamic device support.
configure: libgnutls development files not found, no schannel support.
configure: lib(n)curses development files not found, curses won't be supported.
configure: libsane development files not found, scanners won't be supported.
configure: libv4l development files not found.
configure: libgphoto2 development files not found, digital cameras won't be supported.
configure: libgphoto2_port development files not found, digital cameras won't be auto-detected.
configure: liblcms development files not found, Color Management won't be supported.
configure: gstreamer-0.10 base plugins development files not found, gstreamer support disabled
configure: OSS sound system found but too old (OSSv4 needed), OSS won't be supported.
configure: libcapi20 development files not found, ISDN won't be supported.
configure: libcups development files not found, CUPS won't be supported.
configure: libgsm development files not found, gsm 06.10 codec won't be supported.
configure: libtiff development files not found, TIFF won't be supported.
configure: libmpg123 development files not found (or too old), mp3 codec won't be supported.
configure: libopenal development files not found (or too old), OpenAL won't be supported.
configure: libldap (OpenLDAP) development files not found, LDAP won't be supported.
configure: WARNING: prelink not found, base address of core dlls won't be set correctly.
configure: WARNING: No OpenGL library found on this system. OpenGL and Direct3D won't be supported.
configure: WARNING: libxml2 development files not found (or too old), XML won't be supported.
configure: WARNING: libxslt development files not found, xslt won't be supported.
configure: Finished.  Do 'make' to compile Wine.

Muitas bibliotecas para atualizar, então eu pesquisei e estou atualizando assim:

apt-cache search <lib-dev>

então, se eu tiver um feedback positivo, instalo usando:

apt-get install <lib feedback name>

Mas usar esse método para todo esse método levará tempo. Como posso instalar tudo isso com mais rapidez? (desculpe por texto longo)

por Lucas Trentini 02.11.2017 / 19:34

1 resposta


Você pode instalar várias bibliotecas com um único comando:

apt install lib1 lib2 lib3

Para evitar apt-cache search , basta digitar o início do nome de uma biblioteca no comando apt install e pressionar TAB para completar automaticamente.

por SurvivalMachine 02.11.2017 / 19:39