Ubuntu 14.04 Depende: python (2.8) mas 3.5.0-1 está instalado


Eu tentei instalar python3.5 seguindo esta instruções.

$ auto-apt run ./configure
$ make
# checkinstall

Na verdade, python3.5 funciona bem. Mas durante a instalação, a versão anterior foi substituída.

# apt-get check 
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 apt-xapian-index : Depends: python (< 2.8) but 3.5.0-1 is installed
                    Depends: python:any (>= 2.7.1-0ubuntu2)
 cloud-image-utils : Depends: python:any
 compizconfig-settings-manager : Depends: python (< 2.8) but 3.5.0-1 is installed
                                 Depends: python:any (>= 2.7.1-0ubuntu2)
 duplicity : Depends: python (< 2.8) but 3.5.0-1 is installed
             Depends: python:any (>= 2.7.1-0ubuntu2)
 euca2ools : Depends: python (< 2.8) but 3.5.0-1 is installed
             Depends: python:any (>= 2.7.1-0ubuntu2)
 gconf2 : Depends: python:any
 gimp : Depends: python:any (>= 2.7.1-0ubuntu2)
 hplip : Depends: python (< 2.8) but 3.5.0-1 is installed
 hplip-data : Depends: python:any (>= 2.7.1-0ubuntu2)
 ibus : Depends: python:any (>= 2.7.1-0ubuntu2)
 ibus-pinyin : Depends: python:any (>= 2.7.1-0ubuntu2)

e muito mais.

# apt-get -f install
After this operation, 677 MB disk space will be freed.
You are about to do something potentially harmful.
To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!'
 ?] _

Eu tive problemas semelhantes quando tentei remover o Python, mas ainda não recuperei todos os pacotes removidos, então:

Bem, eu criei e instalei python2.7.6 , mas agora tenho outro problema

# apt-get upgrade | grep 'is installed'
 python-all : Depends: python (= 2.7.5-5ubuntu3) but 2.7.6-1 is installed
 python-all-dev : Depends: python (= 2.7.5-5ubuntu3) but 2.7.6-1 is installed
 python-dev : Depends: python (= 2.7.5-5ubuntu3) but 2.7.6-1 is installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.
por outoftime 05.11.2015 / 01:20

1 resposta


Eu baixei o pacote *.deb para 2.7.5-5ubuntu3 e instalei usando dpkg em vez de apt-get

$ sudo dpkg --install python_2.7.5-5ubuntu3_amd64.deb
por outoftime 05.11.2015 / 02:18