Eu tenho outra solução muito mais flexível e fácil de usar para você!
Copie o script abaixo e cole-o em /usr/local/bin/dupe-check
(ou em qualquer outro local e nome de arquivo, você precisa de permissões de root para este).
Torne-o executável executando este comando:
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dupe-check
Como /usr/local/bin
está no PATH de todos os usuários, todos agora podem executá-lo diretamente sem especificar o local.
Primeiro, você deve olhar a página de ajuda do meu script:
$ dupe-check --help
usage: dupe-check [-h] [-s COMMAND] [-r MAXDEPTH] [-e | -d] [-0]
[-v | -q | -Q] [-g] [-p] [-V]
Check for duplicate files
positional arguments:
directory the directory to examine recursively (default '.')
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s COMMAND, --hashsum COMMAND
external system command to generate hashes (default
-r MAXDEPTH, --recursion-depth MAXDEPTH
the number of subdirectory levels to process: 0=only
current directory, 1=max. 1st subdirectory level, ...
(default: infinite)
-e, --equal-names only list duplicates with equal file names
-d, --different-names
only list duplicates with different file names
-0, --no-zero do not list 0-byte files
-v, --verbose print hash and name of each examined file
-q, --quiet suppress status output on stderr
-Q, --list-only only list the duplicate files, no summary etc.
-g, --no-groups do not group equal duplicates
-p, --path-only only print the full path in the results list,
otherwise format output like this: ''FILENAME'
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
Você vê, para obter uma lista de todos os arquivos no diretório atual (e todos os subdiretórios) com nomes de arquivo diferentes, você precisa do sinalizador -d
e de qualquer combinação válida de opções de formatação.
Ainda assumimos o mesmo ambiente de teste. Arquivos com nome semelhante (e número diferente) têm conteúdo igual:
├── dir1
│ ├── uname1
│ └── uname3
├── grps
├── lsbrelease
├── lsbrelease2
├── uname1
└── uname2
Então, simplesmente executamos:
$ dupe-check
Checked 7 files in total, 6 of them are duplicates by content.
Here's a list of all duplicate files:
'lsbrelease' (./lsbrelease)
'lsbrelease2' (./lsbrelease2)
'uname1' (./dir1/uname1)
'uname1' (./uname1)
'uname2' (./uname2)
'uname3' (./dir1/uname3)
E aqui está o script:
#! /usr/bin/env python3
RELEASE_DATE, AUTHOR = "2016-02-11", "ByteCommander"
import sys
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import argparse
class Printer:
def __init__(self, normal=sys.stdout, stat=sys.stderr):
self.__normal = normal
self.__stat = stat
self.__prev_msg = ""
self.__first = True
self.__max_width = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns
def __call__(self, msg, stat=False):
if not stat:
if not self.__first:
print("\r" + " " * len(self.__prev_msg) + "\r",
end="", file=self.__stat)
print(msg, file=self.__normal)
print(self.__prev_msg, end="", flush=True, file=self.__stat)
if len(msg) > self.__max_width:
msg = msg[:self.__max_width-3] + "..."
if not msg:
print("\r" + " " * len(self.__prev_msg) + "\r",
end="", flush=True, file=self.__stat)
elif self.__first:
print(msg, end="", flush=True, file=self.__stat)
self.__first = False
print("\r" + " " * len(self.__prev_msg) + "\r",
end="", file=self.__stat)
print("\r" + msg, end="", flush=True, file=self.__stat)
self.__prev_msg = msg
def file_walker(top, maxdepth=None):
dirs, files = [], []
for name in os.listdir(top):
(dirs if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(top, name)) else files).append(name)
yield top, files
if maxdepth != 0:
for name in dirs:
for x in file_walker(os.path.join(top, name), maxdepth-1):
yield x
printx = Printer()
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Check for duplicate files")
argparser.add_argument("directory", action="store", default=".", nargs="?",
help="the directory to examine recursively "
"(default '%(default)s')")
argparser.add_argument("-s", "--hashsum", action="store", default="sha256sum",
metavar="COMMAND", help="external system command to "
"generate hashes (default '%(default)s')")
argparser.add_argument("-r", "--recursion-depth", action="store", type=int,
default=-1, metavar="MAXDEPTH",
help="the number of subdirectory levels to process: "
"0=only current directory, 1=max. 1st subdirectory "
"level, ... (default: infinite)")
arggroupn = argparser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
arggroupn.add_argument("-e", "--equal-names", action="store_const",
const="e", dest="name_filter",
help="only list duplicates with equal file names")
arggroupn.add_argument("-d", "--different-names", action="store_const",
const="d", dest="name_filter",
help="only list duplicates with different file names")
argparser.add_argument("-0", "--no-zero", action="store_true", default=False,
help="do not list 0-byte files")
arggroupo = argparser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
arggroupo.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_const", const=0,
help="print hash and name of each examined file")
arggroupo.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_const", const=2,
help="suppress status output on stderr")
arggroupo.add_argument("-Q", "--list-only", action="store_const", const=3,
help="only list the duplicate files, no summary etc.")
argparser.add_argument("-g", "--no-groups", action="store_true", default=False,
help="do not group equal duplicates")
argparser.add_argument("-p", "--path-only", action="store_true", default=False,
help="only print the full path in the results list, "
"otherwise format output like this: "
argparser.add_argument("-V", "--version", action="version",
version="%(prog)s {}.{}.{} ({} by {})".format(
argparser.set_defaults(name_filter="a", output_level=1)
args = argparser.parse_args()
hashes = {}
dupe_counter = 0
file_counter = 0
for root, filenames in file_walker(, args.recursion_depth):
if args.output_level <= 1:
printx("--> {} files ({} duplicates) processed - '{}'".format(
file_counter, dupe_counter, root), stat=True)
for filename in filenames:
path = os.path.join(root, filename)
file_counter += 1
filehash = subprocess.check_output(
[args.hashsum, path], universal_newlines=True).split()[0]
if args.output_level == 0:
printx(" ".join((filehash, path)))
if filehash in hashes:
dupe_counter += 1 if len(hashes[filehash]) > 1 else 2
hashes[filehash].append((filename, path))
if args.output_level <= 1:
printx("--> {} files ({} duplicates) processed - '{}'"
.format(file_counter, dupe_counter, root), stat=True)
hashes[filehash] = [(filename, path)]
except FileNotFoundError:
printx("ERROR: Directory not found!")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
printx("Results so far:")
if args.output_level <= 1:
printx("", stat=True)
if args.output_level == 0:
if args.output_level <= 2:
printx("Checked {} files in total, {} of them are duplicates by content."
.format(file_counter, dupe_counter))
if dupe_counter == 0:
elif args.output_level <= 2:
printx("Here's a list of all duplicate{} files{}:".format(
" non-zero-byte" if args.no_zero else "",
" with different names" if args.name_filter == "d" else
" with equal names" if args.name_filter == "e" else ""))
first_group = True
for filehash in hashes:
if len(hashes[filehash]) > 1:
if args.no_zero and os.path.getsize(hashes[filehash][0][0]) == 0:
first_group = False
if args.name_filter == "a":
filtered = hashes[filehash]
filenames = {}
for filename, path in hashes[filehash]:
if filename in filenames:
filenames[filename] = [path]
filtered = [(filename, path)
for filename in filenames if (
args.name_filter == "e" and len(filenames[filename]) > 1 or
args.name_filter == "d" and len(filenames[filename]) == 1)
for path in filenames[filename]]
if len(filtered) == 0:
if (not args.no_groups) and (args.output_level <= 2 or not first_group):
for filename, path in sorted(filtered):
if args.path_only:
printx("'{}' ({})".format(filename, path))