O Deluge inicia a interface web na interface “”, portanto, não pode acessar se de outra máquina? [fechadas]


Eu tenho um servidor e web-gui dilúvio instalado em um servidor doméstico (seu debian realmente em execução). Antes estava funcionando bem, mas agora, por algum motivo, o servidor web deluge começa em " 8112", o que significa que não consigo acessar o web gui de outra máquina. Como posso configurar o deluge para iniciar na interface externa, algo como "".

Aqui está o arquivo de log do deluge-web (iniciei o deluge-web com o sinalizador de depuração -L)

[INFO    ] 18:36:46 ui:121 Deluge ui 1.3.10
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:46 ui:122 options: 
         {'fork': False, 'profile': False, 
         'loglevel': 'debug', 'quiet': False, 
         'ssl': False, 'base': None, 
         'logfile': '/var/log/deluge/web-gui.log', 
         'config': None, 'port': None}
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:46 ui:123 args: []
[INFO    ] 18:36:46 ui:124 Starting web ui..
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 configmanager:111 Getting config 'web.conf'
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 config:197 Setting 'sidebar_show_zero' to False of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 config:197 Setting 'show_session_speed' to False of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 config:197 Setting 'first_login' to True of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 config:197 Setting 'https' to False of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 config:197 Setting 'sessions' to {} of <type 'dict'>
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 config:197 Setting 'enabled_plugins' to [] of <type 'list'>
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 config:197 Setting 'cert' to ssl/daemon.cert of <type 'str'>
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 config:197 Setting 'pkey' to ssl/daemon.pkey of <type 'str'>
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 config:197 Setting 'port' to 8112 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 config:197 Setting 'theme' to gray of <type 'str'>
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 config:197 Setting 'session_timeout' to 3600 of <type 'int'>
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 config:197 Setting 'show_sidebar' to True of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 config:197 Setting 'default_daemon' to  of <type 'str'>
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 config:197 Setting 'sidebar_multiple_filters' to True of <type 'bool'>
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 config:197 Setting 'base' to / of <type 'str'>
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 config:391 Config /home/deluge/.config/deluge/web.conf version: 1.1 
         loaded: {'port': 8112, 'enabled_plugins': [], 'theme': u'gray',
         'show_sidebar': True, 'sidebar_show_zero': True, 
         'pkey': u'ssl/deluge-ssl.key.protected', 
         'https': True, 'sessions': {}, 
         'base': u'/', u'interface': u'',  
         'show_session_speed': False, 'first_login': False, 
         'cert': u'ssl/deluge-ssl.crt', 'session_timeout': 3600, 
         'default_daemon': u'', 'sidebar_multiple_filters': True}
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 server:253 Adding directory '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/ui/web/css' with path ''
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 server:253 Adding directory '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/ui/web/icons' with path ''
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 server:253 Adding directory '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/ui/web/images' with path ''
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.add_host
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.add_torrents
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.connect
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.connected
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.deregister_event_listener
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.disconnect
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.download_torrent_from_url
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.get_config
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.get_events
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.get_host_status
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.get_hosts
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.get_magnet_info
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.get_plugin_info
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.get_plugin_resources
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.get_plugins
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.get_torrent_files
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.get_torrent_info
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.get_torrent_status
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.register_event_listener
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.remove_host
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.set_config
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.start_daemon
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.stop_daemon
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.update_ui
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: web.upload_plugin
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 configmanager:111 Getting config 'hostlist.conf.1.2'
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 config:197 Setting 'hosts' to        
         [('eb5a43f81b25b5f4bd68c01ffe686794eda9ba54', '', 58846, '', '')] of <type 'list'>
[WARNING ] 18:36:47 config:361 Unable to open config file 
         [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/deluge/.config/deluge/hostlist.conf.1.2'
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 coreconfig:43 CoreConfig init..
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 sessionproxy:55 SessionProxy init..
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: auth.change_password
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: auth.check_session
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: auth.delete_session
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 json_api:315 Registering method: auth.login
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 configmanager:111 Getting config 'web.conf'
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 pluginmanagerbase:65 Plugin manager init..
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 configmanager:111 Getting config 'web.conf'
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 pluginmanagerbase:124 Found plugin: Extractor 0.4 at /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/plugins/Extractor-0.4.egg
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 pluginmanagerbase:124 Found plugin: Execute 1.3 at /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/plugins/Execute-1.3.egg
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 pluginmanagerbase:124 Found plugin: Blocklist 1.3 at /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/plugins/Blocklist-1.3.egg
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 pluginmanagerbase:124 Found plugin: AutoAdd 1.04 at /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/plugins/AutoAdd-1.04.egg
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 pluginmanagerbase:124 Found plugin: Label 0.2 at /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/plugins/Label-0.2.egg
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 pluginmanagerbase:124 Found plugin: Notifications 0.2 at /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/plugins/Notifications-0.2.egg
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 pluginmanagerbase:124 Found plugin: WebUi 0.1 at /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/plugins/WebUi-0.1.egg
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 pluginmanagerbase:124 Found plugin: Scheduler 0.2 at /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/plugins/Scheduler-0.2.egg
[INFO    ] 18:36:47 server:661 Starting server in PID 15148.
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 server:589 Enabling SSL using:
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 server:590 Pkey: ssl/deluge-ssl.key.protected
[DEBUG   ] 18:36:47 server:591 Cert: ssl/deluge-ssl.crt
[INFO    ] 18:36:47 server:681 serving on view at

No meu arquivo web.conf tentei definir o parâmetro interface :

{   "arquivo": 1,   "formato": 1 } {   "port": 8112,   "enabled_plugins": [],   "tema": "cinza",   "show_sidebar": verdadeiro   "sidebar_show_zero": true   "pkey": "ssl / deluge-ssl.key.protected",   "https": verdade   "sessions": {},   "base": "/"   "interface": "",   "show_session_speed": falso,   "first_login": falso,   "cert": "ssl / deluge-ssl.crt",   "session_timeout": 3600,   "default_daemon": "",   "sidebar_multiple_filters": true }

que aparece nesta linha no arquivo deluge-web.log:

    'base': u'/', u'interface': u'',

Mas parece que não faz nada porque o efeito final é

 [INFO    ] 18:36:47 server:681 serving on view at
por user10607 29.05.2016 / 19:50

1 resposta


Olhando para o arquivo server.py na pasta "web" do código de dilúvio, há isto:

672     def start_normal(self):
673         self.socket = reactor.listenTCP(self.port, self.site)
674         log.info("serving on %s:%s view at", "",
675             self.port, self.port)
677     def start_ssl(self):
678         check_ssl_keys()
679         self.socket = reactor.listenSSL(self.port, self.site, ServerContextFactory())
680         log.info("serving on %s:%s view at", "",
681             self.port, self.port)

Assim, com o dilúvio-web 1.3.10, é codificado para dizer . Portanto, não devemos prestar atenção a essa linha no arquivo de log. O dilúvio inicial na interface realmente o torna disponível para computadores externos também.

No meu caso, o dilúvio-web estava começando corretamente, o verdadeiro problema era os certificados ssl configurados incorretamente.

por user10607 30.05.2016 / 23:33