openstack-install: falha na unidade postgresql hook db-admin-relation-changed


Antecedentes: estou seguindo o link . Eu tenho um PM (16 núcleos, 48GB de RAM), executando 7 (inicialmente vazias) VMs, que foram criadas usando o virt-install. Eu usei virt-install para criar duas redes NAT: 'privadas' às quais todas as 7 VMs estão conectadas e 'públicas' às quais apenas 2 estão conectadas. O PM executa o MAAS e fornece DHCP & amp; DNS apenas na rede 'privada'. (Eu escolhi os nomes 'private' e 'public' como eu supus que uma das redes necessárias seria para fazer MAAS / openstack-y, e a outra seria para acessar qualquer serviço que fosse finalmente implementado nas VMs (aninhadas) que acabará por ser criado). Os sistemas são alistados e comissionados para que, até o final da etapa 3 do procedimento do Ubuntu, eu tenha 7 nós, todos marcados como 'Prontos'.

Problema: Conforme a etapa 4 do procedimento do Ubuntu, executo openstack-install , forneço a chave MAAS, especifico o servidor MAAS como o IP do PM na rede 'privada' e, após cerca de 15 minutos, ele falha.

Outras informações: A linha de status da TUI do openstack-install informa "Download do pacote mais recente do Autopilot Landscape ..."; a parte inferior do ~ root / .cloud-install / commands.log diz:

[ERROR • 06-30 13:23:40] • cloudinstall.multi_install • (, run_deployer, 770)]
   Problem deploying Landscape: {'status': 1, 'output': '2015-06-30 13:09:11 [DEBUG] deployer.cli: Using runtime GoEnvironment on maas\n2015-06-30 13:09:11 [INFO] deployer.cli: Starting deployment of landscape-dense-maas\n2015-06-30 13:09:11 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Getting charms...\n2015-06-30 13:09:11 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /root/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_haproxy-4\n2015-06-30 13:09:11 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/haproxy-4\n2015-06-30 13:09:11 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /root/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_rabbitmq-server-26\n2015-06-30 13:09:11 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server-26\n2015-06-30 13:09:11 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /root/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_postgresql-15\n2015-06-30 13:09:11 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/postgresql-15\n2015-06-30 13:09:12 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /root/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_landscape-server\n2015-06-30 13:09:12 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/landscape-server-10\n2015-06-30 13:09:12 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /root/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_landscape-server\n2015-06-30 13:09:12 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /root/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_apache2-10\n2015-06-30 13:09:12 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/apache2-10\n2015-06-30 13:09:12 [DEBUG] deployer.deploy: Resolving configuration\n2015-06-30 13:09:12 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Connecting to environment...\n2015-06-30 13:09:13 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Connected to environment\n2015-06-30 13:09:13 [INFO] deployer.import: Deploying services...\n2015-06-30 13:09:13 [DEBUG] deployer.import: <deployer.env.go.GoEnvironment object at 0x7f20266b4c50>\n2015-06-30 13:09:13 [INFO] deployer.import:  Deploying service apache2 using cs:trusty/apache2-10\n2015-06-30 13:09:13 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Refetching status for placement deploys\n2015-06-30 13:09:24 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Setting annotations\n2015-06-30 13:09:25 [INFO] deployer.import:  Deploying service haproxy using cs:trusty/haproxy-4\n2015-06-30 13:09:32 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Setting annotations\n2015-06-30 13:09:32 [INFO] deployer.import:  Deploying service landscape using cs:trusty/landscape-server\n2015-06-30 13:09:40 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Setting annotations\n2015-06-30 13:09:41 [INFO] deployer.import:  Deploying service landscape-msg using cs:trusty/landscape-server\n2015-06-30 13:09:45 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Setting annotations\n2015-06-30 13:09:46 [INFO] deployer.import:  Deploying service postgresql using cs:trusty/postgresql-15\n2015-06-30 13:09:53 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Setting annotations\n2015-06-30 13:09:53 [INFO] deployer.import:  Deploying service rabbitmq-server using cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server-26\n2015-06-30 13:09:59 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Setting annotations\n2015-06-30 13:10:05 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Adding units...\n2015-06-30 13:10:05 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Service \'apache2\' does not need any more units added.\n2015-06-30 13:10:05 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Service \'haproxy\' does not need any more units added.\n2015-06-30 13:10:05 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Service \'landscape\' does not need any more units added.\n2015-06-30 13:10:05 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Service \'landscape-msg\' does not need any more units added.\n2015-06-30 13:10:05 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Service \'postgresql\' does not need any more units added.\n2015-06-30 13:10:05 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Service \'rabbitmq-server\' does not need any more units added.\n2015-06-30 13:10:05 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Waiting for units before adding relations\n2015-06-30 13:11:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:01 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/1 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:16 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/2 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:16 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:12:16 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: apache2/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta service: apache2 change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:12:16Z\', u\'Current\': u\'maintenance\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'installing charm software\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:12:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: apache2/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/3 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: apache2/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/4 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/2 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/1 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/2 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: landscape/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: haproxy/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta service: landscape change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:12:49Z\', u\'Current\': u\'maintenance\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'installing charm software\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: landscape/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta service: haproxy change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:12:49Z\', u\'Current\': u\'maintenance\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'installing charm software\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: haproxy/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: landscape/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: haproxy/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:01 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/5 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/3 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/4 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/3 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:13:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/4 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:13:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta service: landscape-msg change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:13:24Z\', u\'Current\': u\'maintenance\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'installing charm software\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:13:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta service: postgresql change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:13:24Z\', u\'Current\': u\'maintenance\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'installing charm software\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:13:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:36 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/5 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:36 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: haproxy/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:36 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/5 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:13:36 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:41 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta service: rabbitmq-server change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:13:41Z\', u\'Current\': u\'maintenance\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'installing charm software\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:13:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta service: haproxy change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:13:49Z\', u\'Current\': u\'unknown\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:13:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: haproxy/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: haproxy/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:13:56 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: haproxy/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:14:06 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: apache2/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:14:11 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: apache2/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:14:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta service: apache2 change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:14:20Z\', u\'Current\': u\'unknown\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:14:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: apache2/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:14:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: apache2/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:14:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: apache2/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:14:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:14:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:14:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:14:56 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta service: postgresql change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:14:51Z\', u\'Current\': u\'unknown\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:14:56 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:14:56 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:15:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:16:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:16:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta service: rabbitmq-server change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:16:45Z\', u\'Current\': u\'unknown\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:16:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:16:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:16:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:20:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:20:31 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta service: landscape-msg change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:20:29Z\', u\'Current\': u\'unknown\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:20:31 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:20:31 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:20:31 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: landscape/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:20:36 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:20:36 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta service: landscape change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:20:34Z\', u\'Current\': u\'unknown\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:20:36 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta unit: landscape/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:20:36 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Connecting to environment...\n2015-06-30 13:20:37 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Connected to environment\n2015-06-30 13:20:37 [INFO] deployer.import: Adding relations...\n2015-06-30 13:20:37 [INFO] deployer.import:  Adding relation landscape <-> rabbitmq-server\n2015-06-30 13:20:37 [INFO] deployer.import:  Adding relation landscape <-> haproxy\n2015-06-30 13:20:38 [INFO] deployer.import:  Adding relation landscape:vhost-config <-> apache2:vhost-config\n2015-06-30 13:20:38 [INFO] deployer.import:  Adding relation landscape:db-admin <-> postgresql:db-admin\n2015-06-30 13:20:38 [INFO] deployer.import:  Adding relation haproxy:website <-> apache2:reverseproxy\n2015-06-30 13:20:39 [INFO] deployer.import:  Adding relation landscape-msg <-> rabbitmq-server\n2015-06-30 13:20:39 [INFO] deployer.import:  Adding relation landscape-msg <-> haproxy\n2015-06-30 13:20:40 [INFO] deployer.import:  Adding relation landscape-msg:db-admin <-> postgresql:db-admin\n2015-06-30 13:20:40 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Waiting for relation convergence 180s\n2015-06-30 13:23:40 [ERROR] deployer.env: The following units had errors:\n   unit: postgresql/0: machine: 0/lxc/4 agent-state: error details: hook failed: "db-admin-relation-changed"\n2015-06-30 13:23:40 [INFO] deployer.cli: Deployment stopped. run time: 869.59\n'}
[DEBUG • 06-30 13:23:40] • cloudinstall.utils • (, global_exchandler, 63)]
   Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/", line 78, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.4/", line 868, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/", line 127, in do_continue
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/", line 177, in do_install
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/", line 708, in run
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/", line 731, in deploy_landscape
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/", line 771, in run_deployer
    raise Exception("Error deploying Landscape.")
Exception: Error deploying Landscape.

[INFO  • 06-30 13:24:50] • cloudinstall.utils • (, cleanup, 91)]
   Cleanup, saving latest config object.
[DEBUG • 06-30 13:24:50] • cloudinstall.utils • (, cleanup, 97)]
   Attempting to reset the terminal

(Log completo está em link .)

Observo que o MAAS marca um nó como 'Implantado' bastante tempo antes que esse erro ocorra e que esse nó esteja ligado; os outros permanecem 'prontos' e estão desligados.

Ajuda !: Fiz bastante googling, encontrei muitas referências ao juju e outras coisas que eu esperava não ter que se familiarizar tão cedo, mas não encontrar uma boa correspondência para esse erro em particular. Alguma idéia por favor? Obrigado!

por Alexis Huxley 30.06.2015 / 13:29

1 resposta


Verifique se você definiu o gerenciamento de energia na interface do usuário do MAAS, para que o MAAS saiba como ligar / desligar as VMs. Veja aqui para mais informações: Como configurar o MAAS ser capaz de inicializar máquinas virtuais

O outro problema que vejo é que você parece estar executando o instalador como root. De acordo com nossa documentação, você desejará executar o instalador como um usuário não root normal. Mais informações sobre como executar o instalador podem ser encontradas aqui: link

Se você já fez as duas coisas, por favor, cole o comando completes.log.

por battlemidget 02.07.2015 / 01:30