Antecedentes: estou seguindo o link . Eu tenho um PM (16 núcleos, 48GB de RAM), executando 7 (inicialmente vazias) VMs, que foram criadas usando o virt-install. Eu usei virt-install para criar duas redes NAT: 'privadas' às quais todas as 7 VMs estão conectadas e 'públicas' às quais apenas 2 estão conectadas. O PM executa o MAAS e fornece DHCP & amp; DNS apenas na rede 'privada'. (Eu escolhi os nomes 'private' e 'public' como eu supus que uma das redes necessárias seria para fazer MAAS / openstack-y, e a outra seria para acessar qualquer serviço que fosse finalmente implementado nas VMs (aninhadas) que acabará por ser criado). Os sistemas são alistados e comissionados para que, até o final da etapa 3 do procedimento do Ubuntu, eu tenha 7 nós, todos marcados como 'Prontos'.
Problema: Conforme a etapa 4 do procedimento do Ubuntu, executo openstack-install
, forneço a chave MAAS, especifico o servidor MAAS como o IP do PM na rede 'privada' e, após cerca de 15 minutos, ele falha.
Outras informações: A linha de status da TUI do openstack-install informa "Download do pacote mais recente do Autopilot Landscape ..."; a parte inferior do ~ root / .cloud-install / commands.log diz:
[ERROR • 06-30 13:23:40] • cloudinstall.multi_install • (, run_deployer, 770)]
Problem deploying Landscape: {'status': 1, 'output': '2015-06-30 13:09:11 [DEBUG] deployer.cli: Using runtime GoEnvironment on maas\n2015-06-30 13:09:11 [INFO] deployer.cli: Starting deployment of landscape-dense-maas\n2015-06-30 13:09:11 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Getting charms...\n2015-06-30 13:09:11 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /root/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_haproxy-4\n2015-06-30 13:09:11 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/haproxy-4\n2015-06-30 13:09:11 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /root/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_rabbitmq-server-26\n2015-06-30 13:09:11 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server-26\n2015-06-30 13:09:11 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /root/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_postgresql-15\n2015-06-30 13:09:11 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/postgresql-15\n2015-06-30 13:09:12 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /root/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_landscape-server\n2015-06-30 13:09:12 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/landscape-server-10\n2015-06-30 13:09:12 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /root/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_landscape-server\n2015-06-30 13:09:12 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /root/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_apache2-10\n2015-06-30 13:09:12 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/apache2-10\n2015-06-30 13:09:12 [DEBUG] deployer.deploy: Resolving configuration\n2015-06-30 13:09:12 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Connecting to environment...\n2015-06-30 13:09:13 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Connected to environment\n2015-06-30 13:09:13 [INFO] deployer.import: Deploying services...\n2015-06-30 13:09:13 [DEBUG] deployer.import: <deployer.env.go.GoEnvironment object at 0x7f20266b4c50>\n2015-06-30 13:09:13 [INFO] deployer.import: Deploying service apache2 using cs:trusty/apache2-10\n2015-06-30 13:09:13 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Refetching status for placement deploys\n2015-06-30 13:09:24 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Setting annotations\n2015-06-30 13:09:25 [INFO] deployer.import: Deploying service haproxy using cs:trusty/haproxy-4\n2015-06-30 13:09:32 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Setting annotations\n2015-06-30 13:09:32 [INFO] deployer.import: Deploying service landscape using cs:trusty/landscape-server\n2015-06-30 13:09:40 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Setting annotations\n2015-06-30 13:09:41 [INFO] deployer.import: Deploying service landscape-msg using cs:trusty/landscape-server\n2015-06-30 13:09:45 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Setting annotations\n2015-06-30 13:09:46 [INFO] deployer.import: Deploying service postgresql using cs:trusty/postgresql-15\n2015-06-30 13:09:53 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Setting annotations\n2015-06-30 13:09:53 [INFO] deployer.import: Deploying service rabbitmq-server using cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server-26\n2015-06-30 13:09:59 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Setting annotations\n2015-06-30 13:10:05 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Adding units...\n2015-06-30 13:10:05 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Service \'apache2\' does not need any more units added.\n2015-06-30 13:10:05 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Service \'haproxy\' does not need any more units added.\n2015-06-30 13:10:05 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Service \'landscape\' does not need any more units added.\n2015-06-30 13:10:05 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Service \'landscape-msg\' does not need any more units added.\n2015-06-30 13:10:05 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Service \'postgresql\' does not need any more units added.\n2015-06-30 13:10:05 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Service \'rabbitmq-server\' does not need any more units added.\n2015-06-30 13:10:05 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Waiting for units before adding relations\n2015-06-30 13:11:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:01 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/1 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:16 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/2 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:16 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:12:16 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: apache2/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta service: apache2 change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:12:16Z\', u\'Current\': u\'maintenance\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'installing charm software\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:12:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: apache2/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/3 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: apache2/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/4 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/2 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/1 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/2 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: haproxy/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta service: landscape change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:12:49Z\', u\'Current\': u\'maintenance\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'installing charm software\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta service: haproxy change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:12:49Z\', u\'Current\': u\'maintenance\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'installing charm software\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: haproxy/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:12:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: haproxy/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:01 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/5 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/3 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/4 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/3 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:13:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/4 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:13:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta service: landscape-msg change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:13:24Z\', u\'Current\': u\'maintenance\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'installing charm software\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:13:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta service: postgresql change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:13:24Z\', u\'Current\': u\'maintenance\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'installing charm software\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:13:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:36 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/5 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:36 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: haproxy/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:36 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/5 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:13:36 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:41 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta service: rabbitmq-server change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:13:41Z\', u\'Current\': u\'maintenance\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'installing charm software\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:13:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta service: haproxy change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:13:49Z\', u\'Current\': u\'unknown\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:13:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: haproxy/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:13:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: haproxy/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:13:56 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: haproxy/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:14:06 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: apache2/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:14:11 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: apache2/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:14:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta service: apache2 change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:14:20Z\', u\'Current\': u\'unknown\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:14:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: apache2/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:14:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: apache2/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:14:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: apache2/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:14:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:14:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:14:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:14:56 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta service: postgresql change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:14:51Z\', u\'Current\': u\'unknown\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:14:56 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:14:56 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:15:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:16:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:16:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta service: rabbitmq-server change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:16:45Z\', u\'Current\': u\'unknown\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:16:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:16:46 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:16:51 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:20:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:20:31 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta service: landscape-msg change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:20:29Z\', u\'Current\': u\'unknown\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:20:31 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:20:31 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:20:31 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape/0 change:pending\n2015-06-30 13:20:36 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:20:36 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta service: landscape change:{u\'Err\': None, u\'Since\': u\'2015-06-30T11:20:34Z\', u\'Current\': u\'unknown\', u\'Version\': u\'\', u\'Message\': u\'\', u\'Data\': {}}\n2015-06-30 13:20:36 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape/0 change:started\n2015-06-30 13:20:36 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Connecting to environment...\n2015-06-30 13:20:37 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Connected to environment\n2015-06-30 13:20:37 [INFO] deployer.import: Adding relations...\n2015-06-30 13:20:37 [INFO] deployer.import: Adding relation landscape <-> rabbitmq-server\n2015-06-30 13:20:37 [INFO] deployer.import: Adding relation landscape <-> haproxy\n2015-06-30 13:20:38 [INFO] deployer.import: Adding relation landscape:vhost-config <-> apache2:vhost-config\n2015-06-30 13:20:38 [INFO] deployer.import: Adding relation landscape:db-admin <-> postgresql:db-admin\n2015-06-30 13:20:38 [INFO] deployer.import: Adding relation haproxy:website <-> apache2:reverseproxy\n2015-06-30 13:20:39 [INFO] deployer.import: Adding relation landscape-msg <-> rabbitmq-server\n2015-06-30 13:20:39 [INFO] deployer.import: Adding relation landscape-msg <-> haproxy\n2015-06-30 13:20:40 [INFO] deployer.import: Adding relation landscape-msg:db-admin <-> postgresql:db-admin\n2015-06-30 13:20:40 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Waiting for relation convergence 180s\n2015-06-30 13:23:40 [ERROR] deployer.env: The following units had errors:\n unit: postgresql/0: machine: 0/lxc/4 agent-state: error details: hook failed: "db-admin-relation-changed"\n2015-06-30 13:23:40 [INFO] deployer.cli: Deployment stopped. run time: 869.59\n'}
[DEBUG • 06-30 13:23:40] • cloudinstall.utils • (, global_exchandler, 63)]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/", line 78, in run
File "/usr/lib/python3.4/", line 868, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/", line 127, in do_continue
File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/", line 177, in do_install
File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/", line 708, in run
File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/", line 731, in deploy_landscape
File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/", line 771, in run_deployer
raise Exception("Error deploying Landscape.")
Exception: Error deploying Landscape.
[INFO • 06-30 13:24:50] • cloudinstall.utils • (, cleanup, 91)]
Cleanup, saving latest config object.
[DEBUG • 06-30 13:24:50] • cloudinstall.utils • (, cleanup, 97)]
Attempting to reset the terminal
(Log completo está em link .)
Observo que o MAAS marca um nó como 'Implantado' bastante tempo antes que esse erro ocorra e que esse nó esteja ligado; os outros permanecem 'prontos' e estão desligados.
Ajuda !: Fiz bastante googling, encontrei muitas referências ao juju e outras coisas que eu esperava não ter que se familiarizar tão cedo, mas não encontrar uma boa correspondência para esse erro em particular. Alguma idéia por favor? Obrigado!