em que jogador eu posso reproduzir o arquivo de vídeo de saída recordMyDesktop, que tem a extensão .pcm?


Eu sou novo no Ubuntu. usando o recordMyDesktop para gravar vídeos. o arquivo de vídeo de saída tem a extensão '.pcm'. Qual é o aplicativo para reproduzir arquivos .pcm?

O repositório medibuntu é capaz de armazenar qualquer tipo de arquivo de vídeo?

por Nimishan 21.06.2015 / 13:04

1 resposta


Usando vlc :

sudo apt-get install vlc

recordmydesktop cria um out.ogv


vlc out.ogv

No caso de um arquivo PCM, use

vlc audio.pcm

Ou abra as propriedades para audio.pcm em seu gerenciador de arquivos e selecione Abrir com VLC


% recordmydesktop
Initial recording window is set to:
X:0   Y:0    Width:1920    Height:1200
Adjusted recording window is set to:
X:0   Y:0    Width:1920    Height:1200
Your window manager appears to be GNOME Shell

Detected compositing window manager.
Reverting to full screen capture at every frame.
To disable this check run with --no-wm-check
(though that is not advised, since it will probably produce faulty results).

Buffer size adjusted to 4096 from 4096 frames.
Opened PCM device default
Recording on device default is set to:
1 channels at 22050Hz


Cached 17 MB, from 1344 MB that were received.
Average cache compression ratio: 98.7 %

Saved 153 frames in a total of 152 requests
Shutting down.....
Encoding started!
This may take several minutes.
Pressing Ctrl-C will cancel the procedure (resuming will not be possible, but
any portion of the video, which is already encoded won't be deleted).
Please wait...
Output file: out.ogv
Encoding finished!
Wait a moment please...

Written 2631681 bytes
(2526038 of which were video data and 105643 audio data)

Cleanning up cache...
por A.B. 21.06.2015 / 13:20