Ubuntu Dual Boot com Windows 10 [duplicado]


Eu tenho o Windows 10 instalado no meu laptop e gostaria de instalar o Ubuntu 18.04 também. Acabei de criar um USB inicializável e instalar o Ubuntu (com a opção 'Instalar ao lado do Windows 10')? Existe alguma coisa que eu preciso fazer com o Secure Boot? Como eu vejo nas informações do sistema, meu modo de BIOS está em Legacy e a inicialização segura não é suportada. Eu prossigo com a instalação ou preciso alterar algum valor do BIOS ou de qualquer outro lugar?

por Georgio3 11.05.2018 / 22:58

2 respostas


Não, você não precisa fazer nada relacionado à inicialização segura em seu BIOS , graças aos binários shimx64.efi e grubx64.efi EFI, um para inicialização segura ativada e outro para não .

Para ler mais detalhes sobre o tópico: Qual é a diferença entre grubx64 e shimx64?

Ou aqui está a melhor resposta da pergunta acima.

Typically, EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi on the EFI System Partition (ESP) is the GRUB binary, and EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi is the binary for shim. The latter is a relatively simple program that provides a way to boot on a computer with Secure Boot active. On such a computer, an unsigned version of GRUB won't launch, and signing GRUB with Microsoft's keys is impossible, so shim bridges the gap and adds its own security tools that parallel those of Secure Boot. In practice, shim registers itself with the firmware and then launches a program called grubx64.efi in the directory from which it was launched, so on a computer without Secure Boot (such as a Mac), launching shimx64.efi is just like launching grubx64.efi. On a computer with Secure Boot active, launching shimx64.efi should result in GRUB starting up, whereas launching grubx64.efi directly probably won't work.

Note that there's some ambiguity possible. In particular, if you want to use a boot manager or boot loader other than GRUB in a Secure Boot environment with shim, you must call that program grubx64.efi, even though it's not GRUB. Thus, if you were to install rEFInd on a Secure Boot-enabled computer, grubx64.efi could be the rEFInd binary. This binary would probably not reside in EFI/ubuntu, though; both it and a shim binary would probably go in EFI/refind. Also, as you've got a Mac (which doesn't support Secure Boot), there's no need to install rEFInd in this way; it makes much more sense to install rEFInd as EFI/refind/refind_x64.efi (its default location and name).

Note that the rEFInd documentation includes a whole page on Secure Boot. Chances are you won't benefit from reading it, user190735, since you're using a Mac. I mention it only in case some other reader comes along who's trying to use rEFInd in conjunction with Secure Boot.

por Vishesh Gautam 11.05.2018 / 23:10

Você pode ir em frente, mesmo que a inicialização segura esteja ativada. O instalador do Ubuntu o guiará por algumas etapas para desativá-lo.

por monty47 11.05.2018 / 23:05