Não é possível ler arquivos entre duas distros


Eu tenho a seguinte configuração de partição do disco rígido:

  1. SSD de 256 GB

/ dev / sda1- FAT 32 - Montado em / boot / efi

/ dev / sda2 - Montado na raiz do sistema de arquivos

/ dev / sda3 - Montado em / usr

  1. 1 TB HDD

/ dev / sdb1 - Troca de Linux

/ dev / sdb2 - Montado em / var

/ dev / sdb3 - Montado em / home

/ dev / sdb4 - Sistema EFI (desmontado)

/ dev / sdb5 - Montado na raiz do sistema de arquivos da 2ª distro (desmontada)

As duas distros são Lubuntu e Elementary. Na divisão acima, Elementar é o desmontado. Alguém pode me dizer como compartilhar arquivos entre essas distros? Atualmente, não consigo abrir ou executar nenhum aplicativo instalado no Elementary que seja do Lubuntu. Não consigo abrir várias pastas, por exemplo, / usr / local / bin

por Daniel 11.05.2018 / 04:38

1 resposta


Fazendo isso manualmente

Monte a 2ª Distro com estes comandos

sudo mkdir /mnt/MyOtherDistro
sudo mount -t auto -v /dev/sdb5 /mnt/MyOtherDistro

Agora você poderá usar o Nautilus ou qualquer outro gerenciador de arquivos para navegar até o diretório /mnt/MyOtherDistro para visualizar / copiar / excluir arquivos, etc.

Você também pode mudar para um diretório na 2ª Distro:

cd /mnt/MyOtherDistro/home/Me/Documents

Quando terminar, desmonte a partição e exclua o diretório:

sudo umount -l /mnt/MyOtherDistro
sudo rm -d /mnt/MyOtherDistro

Fazendo isso com um script bash

Por sorte, eu estava trabalhando em dois scripts hoje à noite para montar e desmontar partições através de uma caixa de rolagem de linha de comando.

Montar uma partição

Para montar uma partição, execute o script bash sudo mount-menu.sh :




#!/bin/bash # NAME: mount-menu.sh # PATH: /usr/local/bin # DESC: Select unmounted partition for mounting # DATE: May 9, 2018. Modified May 11, 2018. # $TERM variable may be missing when called via desktop shortcut CurrentTERM=$(env | grep TERM) if [[ $CurrentTERM == "" ]] ; then notify-send --urgency=critical \ "$0 cannot be run from GUI without TERM environment variable." exit 1 fi # Must run as root if [[ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]] ; then echo "Usage: sudo $0" ; exit 1 ; fi # # Create unqique temporary file names # tmpMenu=$(mktemp /tmp/mount-menu.XXXXX) # Menu list tmpInfo=$(mktemp /tmp/mount-menu.XXXXX) # Mount Parition Info tmpWork=$(mktemp /tmp/mount-menu.XXXXX) # Work file MountName=$(mktemp -d /mnt/mount-menu.XXXXX) # Mount directory name # # Function Cleanup () Removes temporary files # CleanUp () { [[ -f $tmpMenu ]] && rm -f $tmpMenu # If temporary files created [[ -f $tmpInfo ]] && rm -f $tmpInfo # at various program stages [[ -f $tmpWork ]] && rm -f $tmpWork # remove them before exiting. } # # Mainline # lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,LABEL,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT > $tmpMenu i=0 SPACES=' ' DoHeading=true AllPartsArr=() # All partitions. # Build whiptail menu tags ($i) and text ($Line) into array while read -r Line; do if [[ $DoHeading == true ]] ; then DoHeading=false # First line is the heading. MenuText="$Line" # Heading for whiptail. FSTYPE_col="${Line%%FSTYPE*}" FSTYPE_col="${#FSTYPE_col}" # FS Type, ie 'ext4', 'ntfs', etc. MOUNTPOINT_col="${Line%%MOUNTPOINT*}" MOUNTPOINT_col="${#MOUNTPOINT_col}" # Required to ensure not mounted. continue fi Line="$Line$SPACES" # Pad extra white space. Line=${Line:0:74} # Truncate to 74 chars for menu. AllPartsArr+=($i "$Line") # Menu array entry = Tag# + Text. (( i++ )) done < $tmpMenu # Read next "lsblk" line. # # Display whiptail menu in while loop until no errors, or escape, # or valid partion selection . # DefaultItem=0 while true ; do # Call whiptail in loop to paint menu and get user selection Choice=$(whiptail \ --title "Use arrow, page, home & end keys. Tab toggle option" \ --backtitle "Mount Partition" \ --ok-button "Select unmounted partition" \ --cancel-button "Exit" \ --notags \ --default-item "$DefaultItem" \ --menu "$MenuText" 24 80 16 \ "${AllPartsArr[@]}" \ 2>&1 >/dev/tty) clear # Clear screen. if [[ $Choice == "" ]]; then # Escape or dialog "Exit". CleanUp exit 1; fi DefaultItem=$Choice # whiptail start option. ArrNdx=$(( $Choice * 2 + 1)) # Calculate array offset. Line="${AllPartsArr[$ArrNdx]}" # Array entry into $Line. # Validation - Don't wipe out Windows or Ubuntu 16.04: # - Partition must be ext4 and cannot be mounted. if [[ "${Line:MOUNTPOINT_col:4}" != " " ]] ; then echo "Partition is already mounted." read -p "Press <Enter> to continue" continue fi # Build "/dev/Xxxxx" FS name from "├─Xxxxx" menu line MountDev="${Line%% *}" MountDev=/dev/"${MountDev:2:999}" # Build File System Type MountType="${Line:FSTYPE_col:999}" MountType="${MountType%% *}" break # Validated: Break menu loop. done # Loop while errors. # # Mount partition # echo "" echo "=====================================================================" mount -t auto $MountDev $MountName # Display partition information. echo "Mount Device=$MountDev" > $tmpInfo echo "Mount Name=$MountName" >> $tmpInfo echo "File System=$MountType" >> $tmpInfo # Build Mount information (the partition selected for cloning to) LineCnt=$(ls $MountName | wc -l) if (( LineCnt > 2 )) ; then # More than /Lost+Found exist so it's not an empty partition. if [[ -f $MountName/etc/lsb-release ]] ; then cat $MountName/etc/lsb-release >> $tmpInfo else echo "No LSB-Release file on Partition." >> $tmpInfo fi else echo "Partition appears empty" >> $tmpInfo echo "/Lost+Found normal in empty partition" >> $tmpInfo echo "First two files/directories below:" >> $tmpInfo ls $MountName | head -n2 >> $tmpInfo fi sed -i 's/DISTRIB_//g' $tmpInfo # Remove DISTRIB_ prefix. sed -i 's/=/:=/g' $tmpInfo # Change "=" to ":=" sed -i 's/"//g' $tmpInfo # Remove " around "Ubuntu 16.04...". # Align columns from "Xxxx:=Yyyy" to "Xxxx: Yyyy" cat $tmpInfo | column -t -s '=' > $tmpWork cat $tmpWork > $tmpInfo # Mount device free bytes df -h --output=size,used,avail,pcent "$MountDev" >> $tmpInfo # Display partition information. cat $tmpInfo CleanUp # Remove temporary files exit 0

Desmontar uma partição

Para desmontar a configuração da partição por mount-menu.sh , execute o comando sudo umount-menu.sh . A mesma tela mostrada acima aparece, exceto que a partição já está montada e você a seleciona para desmontá-la. Primeiro você precisa criar o script /usr/local/bin/umount-menu.sh e copiar nas linhas abaixo:


# NAME: umount-menu.sh
# PATH: /usr/local/bin
# DESC: Select mounted partition for unmounting
# DATE: May 10, 2018. Modified May 11, 2018.

# $TERM variable may be missing when called via desktop shortcut
CurrentTERM=$(env | grep TERM)
if [[ $CurrentTERM == "" ]] ; then
    notify-send --urgency=critical \ 
                "$0 cannot be run from GUI without TERM environment variable."
    exit 1

# Must run as root
if [[ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]] ; then echo "Usage: sudo $0" ; exit 1 ; fi

# Create unqique temporary file names

tmpMenu=$(mktemp /tmp/mount-menu.XXXXX)   # Menu list

# Function Cleanup () Removes temporary files

CleanUp () {
    [[ -f "$tmpMenu" ]] && rm -f "$tmpMenu" #  at various program stages

# Mainline


SPACES='                                                                     '
AllPartsArr=()      # All partitions.

# Build whiptail menu tags ($i) and text ($Line) into array

while read -r Line; do
    if [[ $DoHeading == true ]] ; then
        DoHeading=false                     # First line is the heading.
        MenuText="$Line"                    # Heading for whiptail.
        MOUNTPOINT_col="${#MOUNTPOINT_col}" # Required to ensure mounted.

    Line="$Line$SPACES"                     # Pad extra white space.
    Line=${Line:0:74}                       # Truncate to 74 chars for menu.

    AllPartsArr+=($i "$Line")               # Menu array entry = Tag# + Text.
    (( i++ ))

done < "$tmpMenu"                           # Read next "lsblk" line.

# Display whiptail menu in while loop until no errors, or escape,
# or valid partion selection .


while true ; do

    # Call whiptail in loop to paint menu and get user selection
    Choice=$(whiptail \
        --title "Use arrow, page, home & end keys. Tab toggle option" \
        --backtitle "Mount Partition" \
        --ok-button "Select unmounted partition" \
        --cancel-button "Exit" \
        --notags \
        --default-item "$DefaultItem" \
        --menu "$MenuText" 24 80 16 \
        "${AllPartsArr[@]}" \
        2>&1 >/dev/tty)

    clear                                   # Clear screen.

    if [[ $Choice == "" ]]; then            # Escape or dialog "Exit".
        exit 1;

    DefaultItem=$Choice                     # whiptail start option.
    ArrNdx=$(( $Choice * 2 + 1))            # Calculate array offset.
    Line="${AllPartsArr[$ArrNdx]}"          # Array entry into $Line.

    if [[ "${Line:MOUNTPOINT_col:15}" != "/mnt/mount-menu" ]] ; then
        echo "Only Partitions mounted by mount-menu.sh can be unounted."
        read -p "Press <Enter> to continue"

    # Build "/dev/Xxxxx" FS name from "├─Xxxxx" menu line
    MountDev="${Line%% *}"

    # Build Mount Name
    MountName="${MountName%% *}"

    break                                   # Validated: Break menu loop.

done                                        # Loop while errors.

# Unmount partition

echo ""
echo "====================================================================="
umount "$MountName" -l                      # Unmount the clone
rm  -d "$MountName"                         # Remove clone directory

echo $(tput bold)                           # Set to bold text
echo $MountDev mounted on $MountName unmounted.
echo $(tput sgr0)                           # Reset to normal text

CleanUp                                     # Remove temporary files

exit 0

Torne-os executáveis

Depois de criar os arquivos, ambos os scripts devem ser marcados como executáveis:

sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/mount-menu.sh
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/umount-menu.sh
por WinEunuuchs2Unix 11.05.2018 / 05:31