Como posso configurar o Landscape no Premis se o pacote estiver faltando?


Seguindo as instruções aqui link , tentei configurar o Landscape on Premise, mas o landscape-server-quickstart é faltando.

$ sudo apt install landscape-server-quickstart
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package landscape-server-quickstart
$ apt-cache search landscape
landscape-client - The Landscape administration system client
landscape-common - The Landscape administration system client - Common files
gff2aplot - pair-wise alignment-plots for genomic sequences in PostScript
gimp-plugin-registry - repository of optional extensions for GIMP
hedgewars - Funny turn-based artillery game, featuring fighting hedgehogs!
libcitygml-bin - Utils of libcitygml - citygmltest
libcitygml-dev - Static and header files of libcitygml
libcitygml2 - Open source C++ library for parsing CityGML files
libunity-core-6.0-9 - core library for the Unity interface
libunity-core-6.0-dev - Core library for the Unity interface - development files
muttprint - Pretty printing of mails
python-txlongpoll - Long polling HTTP frontend for AMQP
r-cran-treescape - GNU R Statistical Exploration of Landscapes of Phylogenetic Trees
saga - System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses
stellarium - real-time photo-realistic sky generator
thin-client-config-agent - Retrieve the list of remote desktop servers for a user.
unity - Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.
unity-schemas - Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.
unity-services - Services for the Unity interface
xmountains - Fractal landscape generator for X
runescape - Multiplayer online game set in a fantasy world
landscape-api - Tool to access the Landscape API
por Walter 04.05.2018 / 14:54

1 resposta


Antes de executar sudo apt install landscape-server-quickstart , você precisa adicionar o Landscape PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:landscape/17.03
sudo apt update

Além disso, lembre-se de que o servidor Landscape está disponível para o Xenial (16.04) ou inferior. Se você estiver usando 17.10 ou 18.04, não conseguirá encontrar o início rápido do servidor de paisagem.

Espero que isso ajude!

por bogdan 10.05.2018 / 10:22