Por um colaborador do monero-gui, o edifício para o Ubuntu 16.04 não é mais suportado . Existem algumas maneiras que você poderia contornar o problema. Abaixo está uma cópia / colagem do comentário de pazos.
Ubuntu 16.04 is not supported anymore. It doesn't have the minimum QT required by the application to run, which is QT 5.7.0. Official releases work because they ship qt bundled inside the application.
The are three things you can do:
- use official builds, don't try to build from source.
- upgrade your ubuntu box to -at least- ubuntu 17.10.
- download qt official releases for linux-x64 from download.qt.io and install it somewhere on your path. Use that qt version to link your program.
I don't suggest to try 3 if you don't understand what it means. The README should be updated to specify all those changes.