Qual é a diferença entre um arquivo torrent e um link Magnet?


Qual é a diferença entre um arquivo torrent e um link Magnet ?

Qual é a diferença entre uso, posso usar o μTorrent para baixar arquivos de um link Magnet?

por waka 16.10.2010 / 01:18

3 respostas


O µTorrent é compatível com os links Magnet, para que você possa usá-los.

Versão resumida:

Em vez de baixar o arquivo .torrent de um servidor da Web, faça o download diretamente de um seed / leecher. A maior vantagem é que você pode baixar o conteúdo do torrent, mesmo se o rastreador estiver inativo ou fechado para registro.

Versão longa:

Tradicionalmente, arquivos .torrent são baixados de sites de torrent. Um cliente de torrent calcula um hash de torrent (um tipo de impressão digital) baseado nos arquivos com os quais se relaciona, e procura os endereços dos pares de um rastreador (ou da rede DHT) antes de se conectar a esses pares e baixar o conteúdo desejado. p>

Os sites podem economizar em largura de banda calculando os hashes de torrent e permitindo que eles sejam baixados em vez de arquivos .torrent. Dado o hash do torrent - passado como um parâmetro dentro de um link Magnet - os clientes procuram imediatamente os endereços dos peers e se conectam a eles para baixar primeiro o arquivo torrent e, em seguida, o conteúdo desejado.

Vale a pena notar que o BitTorrent não pode abandonar totalmente o formato .torrent e depender exclusivamente dos links Magnet. Os arquivos .torrent contêm informações cruciais necessárias para iniciar o processo de download, e essas informações devem estar disponíveis no swarm.

por 16.10.2010 / 03:17

can I use μTorrent to download files from a Magnet link?

Sim, você pode.

Tanto o arquivo torrent quanto os links Magnet executam a mesma tarefa, ou seja, baixam arquivos via BitTorrent. Os links magnéticos contêm hashes dos arquivos a serem baixados e a localização de onde eles podem ser baixados.

Na Wikipédia ,

Magnet links consist of a series of one or more parameters, the order of which is not significant, formatted in the same way as the query string on the end of many HTTP URLs. The most common parameter is "xt", meaning "exact topic", which is generally a URN formed from the content hash of a particular file, e.g.. magnet:?xt=urn:sha1:YNCKHTQCWBTRNJIV4WNAE52SJUQCZO5C

referring to the Base32 encoded SHA-1 hash of the file in question.

Other parameters defined by the draft standard are:

  • "dn" ("display name"): a filename to display to the user, for convenience
  • "kt" ("keyword topic"): a more general search, specifying search terms rather than a particular file
  • "mt" ("manifest topic"): a URI pointing to a "manifest", e.g. a list of further items application-specific experimental parameters, which must begin "x." The standard also suggests that multiple parameters of the same type can be used by appending ".1", ".2" etc. to the parameter name, e.g.


por 16.10.2010 / 01:40

A Bittorrent magnet link contains all the information needed to start downloading the files from peers directly. It is a server-less way of retrieving the right information to start downloading the requested files. A magnet link therefor is theoretically all that is needed to download files from other peers in the Bittorrent network. Magnet links can be distributed by email, messaging and other forms of communication but are most often found on the torrent sites that usually offer both torrent and magnet links to their users.

A magnet consists of several parts:

  • magnet: (This is the magnet link identifier)
  • ?xt=urn:btih: (Defines a Bittorrent Info Hash, the Edonkey identifier would for instance look like this xt=urn:ed2k:)
  • 5dee65101db281ac9c46344cd6b175cdcad53426 (The content hash)
  • &dn=name (The name of the file)

The full magnet link would look like this: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5dee65101db281ac9c46344cd6b175cdcad53426&dn=download. Detailed information about additional Magnet Link parameters are listed on Wikipedia. One useful parameter that has not been mentioned yet is the as= parameter which contains encrypted information about a download source. This speeds up the process of finding the first peers.

Main Advantages of Magnet Links

The main advantage for Bittorrent indexers is that they do not have to store the torrents on their servers anymore which could be beneficial for them in several ways. It could reduce the pressure from the media creation industry and reduce hardware infrastructure expenses thanks to less tracking and downloading.

The end users on the other hand benefit from Magnet Links as well. All they need is the link to start downloading the files which makes them independent from torrent indexers. It also allows them to distribute the information more easily. Torrent indexers remain on the other hand the main source of information for new files that are available for download.

Magnet Links use DHT

A tracker less environment should raise a question of identification. How can a download be initiated ff there is no tracker to inform the Bittorrent user about other users who download and seed the file? The answer is DHT, Distributed hash tables. DHT is enabled by default in popular clients such as uTorrent or Vuze. Without going into to much detail, the hash of the magnet link is used to find peers using DHT.


por 30.03.2012 / 00:21