A resposta link funciona bem. Eu uso os seguintes valores:
setw -g c0-change-trigger 10
setw -g c0-change-interval 250
Outra dica: se você usar o ssh dentro do tmux, use mosh ao invés de: link Ele se comporta de maneira mais inteligente ao exibir a saída dos programas. Ele tenta exibir o último estado da tela soltando intermediários quando apropriado. Então o tmux nunca irá congelar se muitos outputs forem gerados dentro de seus painéis com mosh sessions dentro.
Unlike SSH, mosh's UDP-based protocol handles packet loss gracefully, and sets the frame rate based on network conditions. Mosh doesn't fill up network buffers, so Control-C always works to halt a runaway process.
Because SSP [State Synchronization Protocol that mosh uses] works at the object layer and can control the rate of synchronization (in other words, the frame rate), it does not need to send every byte it receives from the application. That means Mosh can regulate the frames so as not to fill up network buffers, retaining the responsiveness of the connection and making sure Control-C always works quickly. Protocols that must send every byte can't do this.