Usando um fluxo do Flickr como uma apresentação de slides de plano de fundo do Windows 7?


Existe um aplicativo que me permita escolher um photostream do Flickr para ser usado como apresentação de slides em segundo plano no Windows 7?

por Wilka 16.07.2010 / 14:17

2 respostas


Você pode usar o Comutador de plano de fundo de John

John’s Background Switcher (or JBS for short) periodically changes the background image on your computer (like every hour or every day) to something interesting. You can specify which pictures to choose from:

  • Individual pictures on your computer.

  • Folders containing pictures on your computer such as ‘My Pictures’.-

  • Flickr photo sharing – selecting pictures by person, tags, sets or
    just plain random. You never know
    what you’re going to get next!-

  • Facebook – your friends photos on your desktop!

  • Vladstudio wallpapers – choose from the coolest wallpapers on the net!

  • Any Media RSS feed – choose pictures from sites like DeviantArt, Photobucket, LOLCats and Zooomr amongst many others!

  • Phanfare web albums – keep up to date with your friends and family.

  • smugmug photo galleries – yours, your friends, anybody’s!

  • Picasa Web Albums – choose from specific albums or any search text.

  • Webshots – if you’re a Webshots user, you can choose from your online or downloaded photos and collections.

  • Google Image Search – get pictures from anywhere across the internet.

  • Bing Image Search – not a Google fanboy? Then Bing is for you!

  • Yahoo! image search – the internet is your oyster!

por 16.07.2010 / 18:44

Há um Tema do Bing Wallpaper que usa um feed RSS para baixar imagens. Você pode tentar substituir o feed RSS pelo feed do photostream e ver se funciona.

por 16.07.2010 / 22:23