Ed Bot escreveu um artigo sobre como você instala o iTunes 10 sem nenhum programa auxiliar. É um longo post de 3 páginas, mas para resumir
- When you run the iTunes setup program, it unpacks six Windows Installer packages and a master setup program, which then installs nearly 300MB of program and support files, a kernel-mode CD/DVD-burning driver, multiple system services, and a bunch of browser plugins. It configures two “helper” programs to start automatically every time you start your PC
- To trim down, the master setup program is first extracted using 7-zip / IZArc and each individual setup program can be run
Performing a selective iTunes install involves three steps:
Extract the installer files you need to a local folder.
Run the installers with the proper command-line switches.
Prevent Apple Software Update from undoing your careful work later.
Eu recomendaria você leu o artigo completo e o personalizou como quiser.