O DVD de instalação do Snow Leopard é idêntico, não há diferenças tecnicamente, embora a sugestão padrão seja de que o EULA mude:
O disco Snow Leopard da Apple será instalado no Tiger Macs
Na verdade, não há atualmente nenhuma informação clara sobre se a atualização do Tiger é realmente "ilegal", tanto Walt Mossberg do WSJ e David Pogue do NYT têm sugerido a fazê-lo. Eu não li o EULA real (não consegui encontrá-lo no site da Apple, ainda não consegui comprar meu disco SL da loja da Apple ainda), então não posso dizer qual é a posição exata, pessoas que disseram isso é "ilegal" não se justificou com links para o EULA, apenas assumiu que está lá ...E, do meu ponto de vista, quebrar um EULA não é ilegal, mas é uma quebra de contrato.
OK, aqui está o bit do EULA do meu Snow Leopard, e os termos e condições indicam claramente uma instalação válida anterior do Leopard. O que é interessante é que em nenhum lugar na minha caixa ou disco ou instruções posso encontrá-lo dizendo que é uma "atualização do Leopard" . Até meu recibo me chama de "Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6", portanto, além do preço, até mesmo minha embalagem é uma única instalação.
- Permitted License Uses and Restrictions.
A. Single Use License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, unless you have purchased a Family Pack or Upgrade license for the Apple Software, you are granted a limited non-exclusive license to install, use and run one (1) copy of the Apple Software on a single Apple-branded computer at a time. You agree not to install, use or run the Apple Software on any non-Apple-branded computer, or to enable others to do so. This License does not allow the Apple Software to exist on more than one computer at a time, and you may not make the Apple Software available over a network where it could be used by multiple computers at the same time.
B. Family Pack License. If you have purchased a Family Pack license, then subject to the terms and conditions of this License, you are granted a limited non-exclusive license to install, use and run one (1) copy of the Apple Software on up to a maximum of five (5) Apple-branded computers at a time as long as those computers are located in the same household and used by persons who occupy that same household. By "household" we mean a person or persons who share the same housing unit such as a home, apartment, mobile home or condominium, but shall also extend to student members who are primary residents of that household but residing at a separate on-campus location. The Family Pack License does not extend to business or commercial users.
C. Leopard Upgrade Licenses. If you have purchased an Upgrade for Mac OS X Leopard license, then subject to the terms and conditions of this License, you are granted a limited non-exclusive license to install, use and run one (1) copy of the Apple Software on a single Apple-branded computer as long as that computer has a properly licensed copy of Mac OS X Leopard already installed on it. If you have purchased a Family Pack Upgrade for Mac OS X Leopard license, then subject to the terms and conditions of this License, you are granted a limited non-exclusive license to install, use and run one (1) copy of the Apple Software on up to a maximum of five (5) Apple-branded computers at a time as long as those computers are located in the same household (as defined above), are used by persons who occupy that same household, and each such computer has a properly licensed copy of Mac OS X Leopard already installed on it. The Family Pack Upgrade for Mac OS X Leopard License does not extend to business or commercial users.
Então a Apple realmente está deixando isso para a consciência do usuário de "saber" que sua cópia é uma atualização ...