tl; dr: FF Trixie
But the real advancement is found in FF Trixie HD, which contains seven alternates for each character, each with its own weight and texture. Just like typewritten forms, the letters dance on the baseline and reveal the effect of ink on the ribbon. Van Blokland didn’t stop there. Playing with OpenType’s ability to automatically substitute glyphs, he added a variety of clever effects such as more erratic baseline shifting, both true and faux Greek and Cyrillic, and censor simulation.
Is there a super font
Meu primeiro pensamento foi: "fontes não têm os recursos (a menos que alguém excepcionalmente obsessivo faça algo excepcionalmente inteligente em insinuações do tipo verdadeiro)", mas acontece que eu estou errado, existem fonts com alguns dos recursos que você procura :
With Bernard Desruisseaux we developed a randomized PostScript type 3 font in 1996 that incorporates various interesting parameter choices. Because of its conceptual closeness with Knuth's Metafont, Bernard's font family is called MetamorFont. This font introduces randomness in every glyph, a nice feature of type 3 fonts not available in truetype or type 1. Bernard finished about three glyphs per week, because each glyph is an intricate program that had to be tested and retested. The font has six major multiple master axes or parameters: the amount of randomness, the stress angle, the contrast ratio, the stroke thickness, the outline mode, and the jumpiness of the glyphs. There are ten minor parameters, for a total of 9132 lines of PostScript code. For each setting of the parameters, the font is fully random: each glyph produced is never repeated!
Partially discussed here by John Butler, the Randomize feature in Opentype allows a cyclic substitution of glyphs by other ones, for example, to create the feel of randomness if each glyph has several slighty different implementations. This principle dates from the late 80s, when Signature Software first tried it in its handwritten font software. Those were type 3 fonts where such things were easy to do. Of course, "randomize" is not the right word. As of early 2006, no major software supports OpenType's "randomize" feature, but John Butler managed to get around it using the Contextual Alternates feature.
or may be there is a word option for activating randomness,
É uma idéia tão especializada que imagino que seja improvável que seja uma opção padrão em um processador de texto convencional de mercado de massa. (Esta é uma maneira evasiva de dizer que não sei)
or some dedicated emulator?
Bem, você pode rasterizar a saída e pós-processá-la com uma ferramenta de manipulação de imagens. Heres um exemplo