Do site do MS TechNet - Alterações no Word 2010 :
Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI) MODI provided a common document imaging and scanning solution for Office. It was also the basis of the Fax feature for Office. When MODI was installed, it was the default handler for .tif, .tiff, and .mdi files. In Office 2010, MODI is fully deprecated. This change also affects the setup tree, which no longer shows the MODI Help, OCR, or Indexing Service Filter nodes on the Tools menu. The Internet Fax feature in Office 2010 uses the Windows Fax printer driver to generate a fixed file format (TIF). MODI and all its components are deprecated for 64-bit Office 2010.
Como alternativa, você pode usar a faixa Inserir do OneNote 2010 para importar uma Impressão do Scanner e usar a opção Copiar texto da imagem quando clicando em uma foto.