Por que não usar Barra lateral do Windows que vem de graça com Windows Vista?
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Windows Sidebar is a long, vertical bar that is displayed on the side of your desktop. It contains mini-programs called gadgets, which offer information at a glance and provide easy access to frequently used tools. For example, you can use gadgets to display a picture slide show, view continuously updated headlines, or look up contacts.
A Barra Lateral do Windows foi removida do Windows 7 .
Há também a barra lateral da área de trabalho , que é gratuita.
Para executar várias instâncias da Barra Lateral, siga estas instruções:
De suas Perguntas frequentes sobre a barra lateral da área de trabalho :
Open up any simple text editor like notepad. Enter the lines below or copy and paste them.
cd Program Files\desktop sidebar\
dsidebar.exe -config "Desktop Sidebar 2"
The "Desktop Sidebar 2" tells windows to run a instance of Desktop Sidebar with the name "Desktop Sidebar 2". This can be done as "Desktop Sidebar 3" or anything you like, just remeber that changing the name of it will get rid of all your settings for that instance, unless you rename it the same.
Click file > Save As > Browse to the root of your C: Drive. > Enter Sidebar.bat as the Filename > Choose All Files as the File type > Click Save
Locate the file and right click it > Chose Send To > Desktop (Create Shortcut). Now you can run the second instance of DS anytime you want to by clicking the shortcut.