Qual é o objetivo da pasta C: \ ProgramData \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Ringtones no Windows 7 e no Windows Server 2008 R2?


No Windows 7 Ultimate, encontrei um conjunto de 10 toques dentro da pasta. E no Windows Server 2008 R2, a pasta existia, mas estava vazia.

por ErJab 03.08.2011 / 04:55

2 respostas


Os seguintes post de Long Zheng explicam os detalhes sobre os Toques :

You see, I thought we had all learned a lesson with the Crazy Frog and ringtones based entirely on repeating single-syllable words, but apparently not. BingTones are now invading public places around the world. In a bid to maintain social order, I come offering some ringtones from Windows 7.

As part of Windows 7′s new foundation for managing communication applications at a system level (for example, lowering the volume or muting your music when you receive a call on Skype), the operating system actually now ships with ten soundclips which can be used as ringtones, stored as WMA files under the “%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Ringtones” folder, for your personalization.

There is of course nothing stopping these ringtones from being also used on a mobile phone.

Eu também estou copiando o texto no link da Microsoft em caso de apodrecimento do link:

Windows 7: Building Great Audio Communications Applications

Using the PC as a phone is central to the future of communications, and this session will provide you with the essentials to build the end to end experience. Windows 7 provides APIs for integrating communications capabilities into your applications. This session covers attenuating and muting sounds during a phone call, receiving a phone call using a Bluetooth headset, improving the latency of a phone call, and selecting the appropriate communications device.

por 03.08.2011 / 09:21

O Windows 7 e o Server 2008 R2 usam o mesmo kernel. Provavelmente é apenas um código comum que foi emprestado e usado para ambos os sistemas operacionais e, por acidente, eles deixaram o diretório lá no Server 2008 R2.

Posso confirmar que ambos os diretórios existem exatamente como você descreve em outros sistemas limpos.

por 03.08.2011 / 05:04