Aqui está um exemplo de trabalho com o código python que você citou:
Uso: -f [file limit] <directory>
Se um número for especificado para -f [file limit], então ... <additional files>
será impresso e os outros arquivos serão ignorados. Diretórios adicionais não devem ser ignorados. Se o limite do arquivo for definido como 10000 (padrão), isso funcionará como sem limite
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Written by Doug Dahms
# modified by glallen @ StackExchange
# Prints the tree structure for the path specified on the command line
from os import listdir, sep
from os.path import abspath, basename, isdir
from sys import argv
def tree(dir, padding, print_files=False, limit=10000):
print padding[:-1] + '+-' + basename(abspath(dir)) + '/'
padding = padding + ' '
limit = int(limit)
files = []
if print_files:
files = listdir(dir)
files = [x for x in listdir(dir) if isdir(dir + sep + x)]
count = 0
for file in files:
count += 1
path = dir + sep + file
if isdir(path):
print padding + '|'
if count == len(files):
tree(path, padding + ' ', print_files, limit)
tree(path, padding + '|', print_files, limit)
if limit == 10000:
print padding + '|'
print padding + '+-' + file
elif limit == 0:
print padding + '|'
print padding + '+-' + '... <additional files>'
limit -= 1
elif limit <= 0:
print padding + '|'
print padding + '+-' + file
limit -= 1
def usage():
return '''Usage: %s [-f] [file-listing-limit(int)] <PATH>
Print tree structure of path specified.
-f Print files as well as directories
-f [limit] Print files as well as directories up to number limit
PATH Path to process''' % basename(argv[0])
def main():
if len(argv) == 1:
print usage()
elif len(argv) == 2:
# print just directories
path = argv[1]
if isdir(path):
tree(path, ' ')
print 'ERROR: \'' + path + '\' is not a directory'
elif len(argv) == 3 and argv[1] == '-f':
# print directories and files
path = argv[2]
if isdir(path):
tree(path, ' ', True)
print 'ERROR: \'' + path + '\' is not a directory'
elif len(argv) == 4 and argv[1] == '-f':
# print directories and files up to max
path = argv[3]
if isdir(path):
tree(path, ' ', True, argv[2])
print 'ERROR: \'' + path + '\' is not a directory'
print usage()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Quando executado, deve produzir uma saída semelhante a:
user@host /usr/share/doc $ python /tmp/ -f 2 . | head -n 40
| |
| +-copyright
| |
| +-changelog.Debian.gz
| |
| |
| +-copyright
| |
| +-... <additional files>
| |
| +-copyright
| |
| +-changelog.Debian.gz
| |
| +-... <additional files>