Estou postando isso para qualquer um que esteja procurando configurar um proxy reverso usando o IIS 7 e acima.
Por exemplo, no meu caso, eu estava tentando usar o Emulador de Armazenamento do Azure, que é e o módulo Remoto do ImageProcessor.Web, que não permite ":" nos URLs da lista de desbloqueio. Então eu configurei um proxy reverso para encaminhando para
Comentado a partir daqui, concluído e testado: link
Make sure the following packages have been installed on the IIS server:
• Application Request Routing
• URL Rewrite
Select the website required from the sites list in IIS. This will display a list of options in the right-hand window.
Double-click the URL Write option.
Click the Add Rule link in the right-hand side menu.
In the following window select the Reverse Proxy option and click the OK button.
Before entering a server name of IP address make sure you check the Outbound Rules checkbox.
Enter the server name or IP address where the HTTP requests will be forwarded.
You will see that the from field in the Outbound rules section will mimic the server name/IP that has just been entered.
All that is left to do is fill out the To section in Outbound rules. This is simple as the dropdown list provided will contain the
original server name/IP. Simply select it and click the OK button to
save the changes.
Process complete.
There should now be an inbound and outbound URL rewrite rule showing in the URL Rewrite window. With these rules in place the
website of choice should now work as a reverse proxy.