Alterando locais de fonte de dados de mala direta do Word em massa?


Acabei de mover vários arquivos de mala direta do Word e várias planilhas do Excel que são as fontes de dados para as mesclas de email, de um computador com Windows XP para um computador com Windows 7 e agora todos os caminhos para o fontes de mesclagem estão incorretas (costumava ser c: \ documentos e configurações \ usuário \ meus documentos .... agora c: \ users \ documents ....). Embora eu possa corrigir o caminho da fonte de dados em cada arquivo individualmente, eu esperava que houvesse alguma forma de atualizar os arquivos em massa, pois há um número relativamente grande deles. O Word 2007 é o que está sendo usado, mas os documentos estão todos no formato DOCX anterior (não DOCX).

por Daft Viking 29.01.2010 / 18:59

2 respostas


Acho que é uma configuração de registro que você pode ajustar como descrito aqui:

Choose the data source

Word can use a wide variety of data sources. The 'Select Recipients' icon offers the option to type a new list, to use an existing list or to select from Outlook Contacts. (Outlook 2007 still provides the option to start the merge from Outlook for even greater flexibility - the procedure is essentially the same as that for Outlook 2003).

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If you chose to use an existing data source, by default Word 2007 will try and connect to a data source in the 'My Data Sources' folder. This will not help much if the data source is a Word or Excel document, for example, in some other folder. Don't be thrown by the two default entries shown in the illustration below, simply move to the folder that contains your data file and select it.

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There is no mechanism included by which the My Data Sources folder can be set to a different location; however, you can set the data source folder to a path on the same drive as the My Documents folder by means of a registry hack. The folder is defined at:


Edit the 'MyData' sub key to the required folder name (without quotes). The start point for the path is My Documents and the entry in the data key would be a sub folder of My Documents, which by default is the My Data Sources sub folder. If the DataServices key has no entry the default setting is used. To move up to My Documents enter . (a period/full stop). To move up two folders enter .. (two periods/full stops). Although I have not tested it, the convention is one period/full stop for each level, so if your My Documents folder is buried deeper, in theory at least you should be able to add extra periods/full stops to take you back to the root level of the drive. I regret I have not found a way to change drives within this mechanism.

This method allow you to move the folder to a different path location. e.g., here I have My Documents as a sub folder of the D: drive i.e. "D:\My Documents" thus the default setting for the data folder would be "D:\My Documents\My Data Sources" . To move that data folder to "D:\My Documents" you would change the default My Data Sources entry for a period/full stop to move up a level.

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To move to another sub folder of My Documents eg "D:\My Documents\Merge" simply change the default "My Data Sources" to "Merge"

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and to move to a different branch of the folder structure eg to "D:\Merge", add the period/full stop to the path as below:

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por 25.02.2010 / 18:48

Tente colocar um atalho nas fontes desejadas, dentro da pasta Minhas fontes de dados. Isso funciona para mim. Eu tenho o problema oposto agora, tendo acabado de ser "atualizado" para o Office 10. EU QUERO a mesclagem para abrir "My Data Sources" (onde todos os meus atalhos e diretórios são), mas em vez disso me envia para uma pasta QUERIES em algum lugar no Office14. Eu não sou especialista em tecnologia, mas talvez esse hack do registro funcione se eu puder chegar lá e descobrir isso.

por 08.02.2013 / 20:31