Isso é algo simples que escrevi com o PowerShell para enviar meu layout de menu Iniciar personalizado para o Windows 10 usando o MDT. Ele começa com o MDT implantando o XML na pasta temp durante a implantação.
# file path that the xml must live in
$filepath = "C:\users\default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell"
# xml files that were copied to local machine
$startxmlorig = "C:\Windows\Temp\startandtaskbar.xml"
$layoutmod = "C:\Windows\Temp\LayoutModification.xml"
# test the path to see if it exists if yes then copy xmls to correct folder on if not then create the path and copy the xml files to the correct path.
if (!(Test-Path -Path $filepath)) {
Copy-Item -Path $startxmlorig -Destination $filepath
Copy-Item -Path $layoutmod -Destination $filepath
} else {
New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory -Path $filepath
Copy-Item -Path $startxmlorig -Destination $filepath
Copy-Item -Path $layoutmod -Destination $filepath'