Copie o arquivo JPG mais recente na pasta do Windows para a área de transferência automaticamente (assim que for criado):
SetTimer new_JPG_image_created, 300
Loop, folder_path\*.jpg
now := %A_Now%
EnvSub, now, %A_LoopFileTimeCreated%, seconds
If now < 2 ; newer as 2 seconds
SetTimer, new_JPG_image_created, off
; MsgBox, 262212,,A new file 'n%A_Tab%%A_LoopFileFullPath%'nis added in'n%A_Tab%folder_path'nCopy this file?
; IfMsgBox Yes
SetTimer, new_JPG_image_created, on
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------
ClipboardSetFiles(FilesToSet, DropEffect := "Copy") {
; FilesToSet - list of fully qualified file pathes separated by "'n" or "'r'n"
; DropEffect - preferred drop effect, either "Copy", "Move" or "" (empty string)
Static TCS := A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1 ; size of a TCHAR
Static PreferredDropEffect := DllCall("RegisterClipboardFormat", "Str", "Preferred DropEffect")
Static DropEffects := {1: 1, 2: 2, Copy: 1, Move: 2}
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Count files and total string length
TotalLength := 0
FileArray := []
Loop, Parse, FilesToSet, 'n, 'r
If (Length := StrLen(A_LoopField))
FileArray.Push({Path: A_LoopField, Len: Length + 1})
TotalLength += Length
FileCount := FileArray.Length()
If !(FileCount && TotalLength)
Return False
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Add files to the clipboard
If DllCall("OpenClipboard", "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd) && DllCall("EmptyClipboard") {
; HDROP format ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; 0x42 = GMEM_MOVEABLE (0x02) | GMEM_ZEROINIT (0x40)
hDrop := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "UInt", 0x42, "UInt", 20 + (TotalLength + FileCount + 1) * TCS, "UPtr")
pDrop := DllCall("GlobalLock", "Ptr" , hDrop)
Offset := 20
NumPut(Offset, pDrop + 0, "UInt") ; DROPFILES.pFiles = offset of file list
NumPut(!!A_IsUnicode, pDrop + 16, "UInt") ; DROPFILES.fWide = 0 --> ANSI, fWide = 1 --> Unicode
For Each, File In FileArray
Offset += StrPut(File.Path, pDrop + Offset, File.Len) * TCS
DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "Ptr", hDrop)
DllCall("SetClipboardData","UInt", 0x0F, "UPtr", hDrop) ; 0x0F = CF_HDROP
; Preferred DropEffect format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If (DropEffect := DropEffects[DropEffect]) {
; Write Preferred DropEffect structure to clipboard to switch between copy/cut operations
; 0x42 = GMEM_MOVEABLE (0x02) | GMEM_ZEROINIT (0x40)
hMem := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "UInt", 0x42, "UInt", 4, "UPtr")
pMem := DllCall("GlobalLock", "Ptr", hMem)
NumPut(DropEffect, pMem + 0, "UChar")
DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "Ptr", hMem)
DllCall("SetClipboardData", "UInt", PreferredDropEffect, "Ptr", hMem)
Return True
Return False