Você precisa usar a opção -K. Do homem hdparm
-k Get/set the "keep_settings_over_reset" flag for the drive. When this flag is set, the drive will preserve the -dmu settings
over a soft reset, (as done during the error recovery sequence). This option defaults to off, to prevent drive reset loops
which could be caused by combinations of -dmu settings. The -k option should therefore only be set after one has achieved
confidence in correct system operation with a chosen set of configuration settings. In practice, all that is typically nec‐
essary to test a configuration (prior to using -k) is to verify that the drive can be read/written, and that no error logs
(kernel messages) are generated in the process (look in /var/adm/messages on most systems).
-K Set the drive´s "keep_features_over_reset" flag. Setting this enables the drive to retain the settings for -APSWXZ over a
soft reset (as done during the error recovery sequence). Not all drives support this feature.