O Internet Explorer 10 suporta WebGL?


Eu não uso o Internet Explorer há muito tempo e notei algum burburinho em relação ao Internet Explorer 10. Eu tentei baixá-lo, mas parece que vou precisar instalar o Windows 8, com o qual não vou me incomodar largura de banda limitada.

Alguém já experimentou o Internet Explorer 10 e pode me dizer se ele suporta WebGL ou não?

por George Profenza 03.11.2011 / 13:51

2 respostas


Não, o Internet Explorer 10 não suporta WebGL.

De Wikipedia :

Microsoft has not announced any plans to officially support WebGL.

In June 2011, Microsoft announced that they could not endorse WebGL in its current form from a security perspective. Analysis performed by its MSRC Engineering team concluded that WebGL support in Microsoft products would have difficulty in meeting the requirements of the Security Development Lifecycle, the software security standards internally enforced in Microsoft. Specifically, Microsoft cited overly permissive exposure of hardware functionality, heavy reliance on third parties to secure web experience, and unproven denial-of-service protection capabilities as their key concerns.

O IEWebGL pode ser instalado como um plugin.

por 03.11.2011 / 13:55

O IE 10 não suporta WebGL. A Microsoft divulgou uma declaração sobre suas preocupações de segurança com o WebGL :

We believe that WebGL will likely become an ongoing source of hard-to-fix vulnerabilities. In its current form, WebGL is not a technology Microsoft can endorse from a security perspective.

We recognize the need to provide solutions in this space however it is our goal that all such solutions are secure by design, secure by default, and secure in deployment.

O WebGL é suportado no IE 11 .

por 16.07.2013 / 12:03