O OpenVPN não se conecta a partir de um local remoto


Eu configurei o OpenVPN em uma máquina Linux no meu porão.

Consigo me conectar da minha máquina com Windows 8.1 sem problemas quando estou conectado à rede local.

Neste caso, eu configurei o arquivo de configuração para usar remote 1194

Quando deixo minha rede local, altero esse arquivo de configuração para dizer: remote 63.xxx.x.xxx 1194 Onde 63.xxx.xx.xx é meu IP público.

Quando estou fora da minha rede local, não consigo me conectar. Aqui está a minha entrada de log da minha última tentativa de conexão de uma rede externa.

Mon Oct 06 13:59:54 2014 OpenVPN 2.3.4 i686-w64-mingw32 [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [PKCS11] [IPv6] built on May  2 2014
Mon Oct 06 13:59:54 2014 library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.1g 7 Apr 2014, LZO 2.05
Mon Oct 06 13:59:54 2014 MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET]
Mon Oct 06 13:59:54 2014 Need hold release from management interface, waiting...
Mon Oct 06 13:59:55 2014 MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET]
Mon Oct 06 13:59:55 2014 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state on'
Mon Oct 06 13:59:55 2014 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'log all on'
Mon Oct 06 13:59:55 2014 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'hold off'
Mon Oct 06 13:59:55 2014 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'hold release'
Mon Oct 06 13:59:55 2014 Socket Buffers: R=[65536->65536] S=[65536->65536]
Mon Oct 06 13:59:55 2014 UDPv4 link local: [undef]
Mon Oct 06 13:59:55 2014 UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET]63.xxx.xx.xx:1194
Mon Oct 06 13:59:55 2014 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1412625595,WAIT,,,
Mon Oct 06 14:00:55 2014 TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity)
Mon Oct 06 14:00:55 2014 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed
Mon Oct 06 14:00:55 2014 SIGUSR1[soft,tls-error] received, process restarting
Mon Oct 06 14:00:55 2014 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1412625655,RECONNECTING,tls-error,,
Mon Oct 06 14:00:55 2014 Restart pause, 2 second(s)
Mon Oct 06 14:00:57 2014 Socket Buffers: R=[65536->65536] S=[65536->65536]
Mon Oct 06 14:00:57 2014 UDPv4 link local: [undef]
Mon Oct 06 14:00:57 2014 UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET]63.xxx.xx.xx:1194
Mon Oct 06 14:00:57 2014 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1412625657,WAIT,,,

Parece que pode ser um problema de firewall , mas passei por cada um dos pontos da página novamente e novamente e não consigo encontrar quaisquer problemas.

  • A perimeter firewall on the server's network is filtering out incoming OpenVPN packets (by default OpenVPN uses UDP or TCP port
    number 1194).

Eu verifiquei e verifiquei duas vezes a configuração do roteador, e a porta 1194 deve ser encaminhada para a minha caixa linux ... Aqui está a configuração do iptables do roteador:

 > iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination
drop       all  --  anywhere             63.xxx.xx.xx
ACCEPT     2    --  anywhere             anywhere
ACCEPT     icmp --  anywhere             anywhere            icmp echo-request
DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:www
DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:https
DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:telnet
DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:ssh
DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:ftp
DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:domain
DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:44401
DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:49431
DROP       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:domain
DROP       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:tftp
DROP       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:1900
DROP       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:37000
DROP       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:38000
DROP       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpts:5098:5100
DROP       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:50032
DROP       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:54008
ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere            state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:500
ACCEPT     esp  --  anywhere             anywhere
ACCEPT     ah   --  anywhere             anywhere
ACCEPT    !esp  --  anywhere             anywhere            MARK match 0x10000000/0x10000000
ACCEPT    !ah   --  anywhere             anywhere            MARK match 0x10000000/0x10000000
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:4567
DROP       all  --  anywhere             anywhere

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination
ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere   
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere          udp dpt:1194
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere          tcp dpt:1194
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere          tcp dpt:https
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere           udp dpt:51490
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere           udp dpt:53681
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere          udp dpt:1194
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere          tcp dpt:1194
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere          udp dpt:https
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere          tcp dpt:https
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere            tcp dpt:15979
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere           udp dpt:16402
ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere   
ACCEPT     icmp --  anywhere             anywhere            icmp echo-request
ACCEPT     icmp --  anywhere             anywhere            icmp echo-reply
ACCEPT     icmp --  anywhere             anywhere            icmp time-exceeded
ACCEPT     icmp --  anywhere             anywhere            icmp type 30
TCPMSS     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp flags:SYN,RST/SYN TCPMSS clamp to PMTU
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere          tcp dpt:www
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere           udp dpt:62558
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere           udp dpt:57874
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere           udp dpt:51621
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere            udp dpt:58670
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere            udp dpt:50209
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere            udp dpt:60530
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere            udp dpt:60285
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere            udp dpt:59415
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere            udp dpt:62603
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere            udp dpt:52438
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere            udp dpt:53919
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere            udp dpt:62384
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere            tcp dpt:35689
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere            udp dpt:35689
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere            udp dpt:55287
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere            udp dpt:50487
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere            udp dpt:51697
urlfilter  tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp flags:FIN,SYN,RST/NONE
ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere            state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere            state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT    !esp  --  anywhere             anywhere            MARK match 0x10000000/0x10000000
ACCEPT    !ah   --  anywhere             anywhere            MARK match 0x10000000/0x10000000
DROP       udp  --          anywhere            udp dpt:l2tp
DROP       tcp  --          anywhere            tcp dpt:1723
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpts:5060:5061
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpts:5060:5061
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:www
ACCEPT     udp  --         anywhere            udp dpt:domain
ACCEPT     udp  --         anywhere            udp dpt:domain
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:domain
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpts:27167:27169
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpts:27164:27166
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpts:27161:27163
drop       all  --  anywhere             anywhere

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

Chain drop (2 references)
target     prot opt source               destination
ACCEPT     icmp --  anywhere             anywhere            icmp echo-request
LOG        all  --  anywhere             anywhere            LOG level info prefix 'firewall drop: '
DROP       all  --  anywhere             anywhere

Chain urlfilter (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination
SKIPLOG    tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:www
QUEUE      tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:www

Parece que meu roteador deve encaminhar a porta 1194 para minha caixa linux. Eu tenho também encaminhando a porta 80 sem qualquer problema para a mesma caixa.

Eu duvido que meu ISP esteja bloqueando a porta 1194, e não a porta 80 ...

  • A software firewall running on the OpenVPN server machine itself is filtering incoming connections on port 1194. Be aware that many OSes
    will block incoming connections by default, unless configured

Eu usei o Yast na minha caixa local para abrir a porta 1194 na máquina linux. Tenho certeza de que esse não é o problema, pois posso conectar-me à caixa do Linux enquanto estiver conectado à minha rede local. Se o firewall da caixa do linux fosse o problema, eu não seria capaz de me conectar a partir de um endereço local.

  • A NAT gateway on the server's network does not have a port forward rule for TCP/UDP 1194 to the internal address of the OpenVPN server

Tenho certeza de que isso também está configurado corretamente no roteador. Aqui está a configuração nat do iptables no roteador:

 > iptables -t nat -L
target     prot opt source               destination
ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere   
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:4567
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:51697 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:50487 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:55287 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:35689 to:
DNAT       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:35689 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:62384 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:53919 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:52438 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:62603 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:59415 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:60285 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:60530 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:50209 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:58670 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:51621 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:57874 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:62558 to:
DNAT       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:www to:
REDIRECT   tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:webcache redir ports 80
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:57106 to:
DNAT       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:15980 to:
DNAT       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:https to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:https to:
DNAT       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:1194 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:1194 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:53681 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:51490 to:
DNAT       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:https to:
DNAT       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:1194 to:
DNAT       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:1194 to:

target     prot opt source               destination
MASQUERADE  all  --  anywhere             anywhere

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination
  • The OpenVPN client config does not have the correct server address in its config file. The remote directive in the client config file must point to either the server itself or the public IP address of the server network's gateway.

Eu verifiquei, verifiquei novamente e tripliquei este IP para o qual ele está se conectando e está correto.

  • Another possible cause is that the windows firewall is blocking access for the openvpn.exe binary. You may need to whitelist (add it
    to the "Exceptions" list) it for OpenVPN to work.

Tenho quase certeza de que esse não é o problema, porque consigo me conectar a partir da minha rede local. Estou errado? O windows 8.1 bloqueia o binário quando está se conectando a um endereço remoto, mas não quando está se conectando a um endereço local? Isso parece altamente improvável para mim ...


Aqui está meu arquivo de configuração

# Sample client-side OpenVPN 2.0 config file #
# for connecting to multi-client server.     #
#                                            #
# This configuration can be used by multiple #
# clients, however each client should have   #
# its own cert and key files.                #
#                                            #
# On Windows, you might want to rename this  #
# file so it has a .ovpn extension           #

# Specify that we are a client and that we
# will be pulling certain config file directives
# from the server.
client client1

# Use the same setting as you are using on
# the server.
# On most systems, the VPN will not function
# unless you partially or fully disable
# the firewall for the TUN/TAP interface.
;dev tap
dev tun

# Windows needs the TAP-Win32 adapter name
# from the Network Connections panel
# if you have more than one.  On XP SP2,
# you may need to disable the firewall
# for the TAP adapter.
;dev-node MyTap

# Are we connecting to a TCP or
# UDP server?  Use the same setting as
# on the server.
;proto tcp
proto udp

# The hostname/IP and port of the server.
# You can have multiple remote entries
# to load balance between the servers.
;remote 1194
remote 63.xxx.xx.xx 1194

# Choose a random host from the remote
# list for load-balancing.  Otherwise
# try hosts in the order specified.

# Keep trying indefinitely to resolve the
# host name of the OpenVPN server.  Very useful
# on machines which are not permanently connected
# to the internet such as laptops.
resolv-retry infinite

# Most clients don't need to bind to
# a specific local port number.

# Downgrade privileges after initialization (non-Windows only)
;user nobody
;group nobody

# Try to preserve some state across restarts.

# If you are connecting through an
# HTTP proxy to reach the actual OpenVPN
# server, put the proxy server/IP and
# port number here.  See the man page
# if your proxy server requires
# authentication.
;http-proxy-retry # retry on connection failures
;http-proxy [proxy server] [proxy port #]

# Wireless networks often produce a lot
# of duplicate packets.  Set this flag
# to silence duplicate packet warnings.

# SSL/TLS parms.
# See the server config file for more
# description.  It's best to use
# a separate .crt/.key file pair
# for each client.  A single ca
# file can be used for all clients.
ca "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\ca.crt"
cert "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\client1.crt"
key "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\client1.key"

# Verify server certificate by checking
# that the certicate has the nsCertType
# field set to "server".  This is an
# important precaution to protect against
# a potential attack discussed here:
#  http://openvpn.net/howto.html#mitm
# To use this feature, you will need to generate
# your server certificates with the nsCertType
# field set to "server".  The build-key-server
# script in the easy-rsa folder will do this.
ns-cert-type server

# If a tls-auth key is used on the server
# then every client must also have the key.
;tls-auth ta.key 1

# Select a cryptographic cipher.
# If the cipher option is used on the server
# then you must also specify it here.
;cipher x

# Enable compression on the VPN link.
# Don't enable this unless it is also
# enabled in the server config file.
comp-lzo yes

# Set log file verbosity.
verb 3

# Silence repeating messages
;mute 20

script-security 2
remote-cert-tls server

Alguém tem alguma outra ideia de por que eu tenho problemas de conexão?

EDIT2 - Eu usei isso para configurar o openVPN: link

Há uma seção lá para "Configuração do Firewall" que não se aplica a mim, pois não tenho o openvz nem o kvm. Eu usei o yast para abrir a porta 1194 no SuSEfirewall2

por tmsimont 07.10.2014 / 16:22

1 resposta


O local remoto estava bloqueando a maior parte do tráfego de saída. Eu tive que executar o OpenVPN na porta 443 (porta SSL) para fazê-lo funcionar a partir do local específico. Nenhum local remoto bloquearia 443.

por 09.03.2015 / 15:52