Como criar um novo planeta no Google Earth


Estou criando meu próprio mundo fictício para um projeto meu e quero usar o Google Earth para mapear o planeta. Então, como faço para criar um novo planeta no Google Earth?

Editar: isso é possível no Google Earth enterprise, mas estou procurando uma maneira de fazer isso na versão gratuita do Google Earth. Isso é provavelmente possível editando o código do Google Earth.

por wonea 24.12.2011 / 00:34

1 resposta


Usando o software Google Earth para seu próprio "mundo"

Google Earth Enterprise

Create a customised Google Earth globe with proprietary data


Editando o código do Google Earth

Google Earth is a proprietary application that runs on Windows, Mac and Linux, but lacks a real API. An open source alternative to Google Earth is NASA World Wind, which, ironically, is a Windows-only application.

25 November 2006, we've got the letter from Michael Jones, the Chief Technologist of Google Earth, Google Maps, and Google Local search, requesting us to cease reverse engineering and improper usage of licensed data that Google Earth use.

Do projeto Gaia

NASA World Wind

World Wind provides a rich set of features for displaying and interacting with geographic data and representing a wide range of geometric objects.

General Features
 • Open-source, high-performance 3D Virtual globe API and SDK
 • Adds geographic visualization to any application
 • Runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
 • Runs in web pages
 • Free run-time and development license
 • Unencumbered use on any number of devices
 • Huge collection of high-resolution imagery and terrain from NASA servers
 • Displays high-resolution imagery, terrain and geographic information from any open-standard public or private source
 • Open-standard interfaces to GIS services and databases
 • Large collection of geometric and geographic shapes
 • Simple to extend and modify, designed to be extensible
 • Uses Java and OpenGL
WMS web server for serving data over private networks and distributing your own data

Requirements: a 3D video card with updated drivers is necessary. World Wind has bseen tested on Nvidia, ATI/AMD, and Intel platforms using Windows, MacOS 10.4, and Fedora Core 6.


por 24.12.2011 / 01:07