sshuttle analog para mac


Nós tentamos usar o mais recente sshuttle no Mac OS X Mountain Lion, mas há um bug que mexe com as variáveis do kernel e por isso quebra a conexão com a internet. Na máquina em que tentamos, tivemos que reinstalar o sistema, pois o problema não parecia ser solucionável. No entanto, usamos perfeitamente no Linux.

Então, pergunto-me se existe algum análogo de sshuttle para Mac que nos permita canalizar all conexões através do túnel SSH?

por Alexey Kamenskiy 24.12.2012 / 09:55

1 resposta


Eu encontrei SU respondeu à pergunta para ser relevante; Eu não sabia que o mDNSresponder era como o sistema operacional determinava o estado da conexão sem fio.

Além disso, eu não usei pessoalmente, você pode querer avaliar MacProxy :


redirect your Mac's network traffic to any compatible SOCKS or HTTP proxy server

works with browsers (Safari, Firefox), email (Mail), chat (iChat, Skype), FTP, telnet, and many more network applications

enable and switch the active proxy conveniently from a menulet

track session statistics including the number of active connections and data sent/received

DNS resolution through the proxy server

secure browsing by hiding your IP address

support for SOCKS proxy protocols including versions 4, 4a, and 5

support for HTTP/web proxy protocols including transparent, non-transparent, and connect

SSH tunnel support - connect securely to a remote Mac to prevent snooping over WiFi networks

rules - proxy or ignore connections based on IP addresses, ports, domains (with wildcard support), and applications

quickly determine which proxy protocol a server supports using the built-in proxy checker

anonymize requests option (HTTP non-transparent only)

multiple user support - works for all users on a Mac

32/64-bit universal preference pane, application, and kernel extension

logging support

What's new in MacProxy 2.0.4 (history): Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8) compatibility

por 29.12.2012 / 20:29