Quais atalhos do emacs são úteis no bash? [fechadas]


Diferente de Ctrl+{k, u, a, e} , que outros atalhos do emacs valem a pena serem lembrados e úteis no Terminal?

por changhu 01.11.2011 / 23:59

1 resposta


Seria difícil dizer quais atalhos valem a pena para você , isso depende totalmente do seu fluxo de trabalho. Aqui está uma seleção que você pode escolher para si mesmo:

Ctrl-a  Move to the start of the line.
Ctrl-e  Move to the end of the line.
Ctrl-b  Move back one character.
Alt-b   Move back one word.
Ctrl-f  Move forward one character.
Alt-f   Move forward one word.
Ctrl-] x    Where x is any character, moves the cursor forward to the next occurance     of x.
Alt-Ctrl-] x    Where x is any character, moves the cursor backwards to the previous occurance of x.
Ctrl-u  Delete from the cursor to the beginning of the line.
Ctrl-k  Delete from the cursor to the end of the line.
Ctrl-w  Delete from the cursor to the start of the word.
Esc-Del     Delete previous word (may not work, instead try Esc followed by Backspace)
Ctrl-y  Pastes text from the clipboard.
Ctrl-l  Clear the screen leaving the current line at the top of the screen.
Ctrl-x Ctrl-u   Undo the last changes. Ctrl-_ does the same
Alt-r   Undo all changes to the line.
Alt-Ctrl-e  Expand command line.
Ctrl-r  Incremental reverse search of history.
Alt-p   Non-incremental reverse search of history.
!!  Execute last command in history
!abc    Execute last command in history beginning with abc
!abc:p  Print last command in history beginning with abc
!n  Execute nth command in history
!$  Last argument of last command
!^  First argument of last command
^abc^xyz    Replace first occurance of abc with xyz in last command and execute it
por 02.11.2011 / 00:17