No tamanho do hardware seu processador suporta o SpeedStep (recurso de CPU da Intel). Apenas certifique-se de que esteja ativado no BIOS.
Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology is an advanced means of enabling high performance while meeting the power-conservation needs of mobile systems. Conventional Intel SpeedStep® Technology switches both voltage and frequency in tandem between high and low levels in response to processor load. Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology builds upon that architecture using design strategies such as Separation between Voltage and Frequency Changes, and Clock Partitioning and Recovery.
No lado do SO, o seu usará o SpeedStep por padrão, se estiver habilitado. Para dar uma olhada no que está fazendo, instale cpufreqtools executando sudo apt-get install cpufrequtils
e, em seguida, execute cpufreq-info