Tente isto:
- Right-click each affected program's executable and go to compatibility tab. Then check the "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings"
- Globally fix this in the custom DPI setting. Chose the windows XP scaling mode when you set your DPI.
Mais detalhes podem ser encontrados aqui: Barra de tarefas exibida na íntegra aplicações de tela .
Se o problema persistir, siga estas etapas para localizar o aplicativo de falha adicional (as falhas de aplicativo que acionam eventos do Windows que quebram a 'exclusividade de tela' do programa em que você estava segmentado)
Here's how to find out what application is causing the problem:
- Do a search in the Start Menu searchbar for EVENTVWR and open the exe file.
- In the middle, there should be a section called "Summary of Administrative Events". Click the + box in front of Errors.
- There should be a large amount of errors reported in the last 24 hours under Application Errors. Double click the Application Errors name
- Click on any of the Errors and in the grey description it should give a Faulting application name. That is your culprit application. You can either uninstall that application or I'm sure there is a way to turn the problem reporting off if you feel the application is important or is not actually causing errors.
Mais detalhes sobre isso podem ser encontrados aqui: Windows 7: A barra de tarefas aparece enquanto assiste a vídeos em tela cheia .