Todos os aplicativos associados a TWINUI


Eu recebi várias mensagens, que algumas funções agora estão associadas ao TWINUI.

Agora eu tenho

O que é o TWINUI?

por Dims 27.11.2016 / 22:29

1 resposta


O que é o TWINUI?

TWinUI é a abreviatura de Interface do utilizador do Tablet Windows.

Veja abaixo uma explicação detalhada sobre o que é isso.

Você encontrou um bug no Windows 10. A correção é restaurar o registro de um backup antes da ocorrência da corrupção.

Eu recebi várias mensagens, que algumas funções agora estão associadas ao TWINUI.

There is a bug in Windows 10 that shows for some users where they can’t change their system’s default programs in the Settings app. All their defaults have been reset to show “TWINUI”. This simply means that they have no default programs set, usually because of System Registry corruption, and they’re getting the same bad fallback name as surface in Firefox. The problem can be resolved by restoring the registry from a backup before the corruption occurred.

Fonte O que é o TWinUI? - Interface do Windows para tablets

O que é o TWinUI?

Windows 8 and 10 users may encounter something appearing to be a program called “TWINUI” when opening links and files from within a program such as a web browser. TWINUI is often mistaken for an email client or PDF reader because it most often appear when a user follows an email link or tries to open a PDF in web browsers like Firefox. However, it’s really a much less concise and more important thing than a just a single program.

TWinUI — or Tablet Windows User Interface — is included in Windows 8 and newer. It’s not a program on its own, but rather a system library that is part of the Windows Shell that provides a set of functionality — including starting applications to Windows itself and other programs. TWINUI is often mistaken for a built‐in PDF viewer or email client in forums and discussion online. This is most likely because most users will only encounter the name “TWINUI” when they either open a PDF file from their browsers or click on a mailto:, call:, or other protocol link recognized by the Windows app launcher.

Fonte O que é o TWinUI? - Interface do Windows para tablets

por 27.11.2016 / 22:40