Fluxo de mídia no Windows Server 2012 Standard?


Nos sistemas operacionais de clientes da Microsoft, como 7 e 8, eles incluem a capacidade de permitir que outros dispositivos visualizem o conteúdo local. Está em Rede e Centro de Compartilhamento. As edições do Windows Server, excluindo o Essentials, não têm isso.

Eu não gostaria de instalar programas de terceiros, mas parece que preciso. O objetivo é permitir que o Playstation transmita vídeo e que o Squeezebox da Logitech transmita músicas do servidor.

Quais opções eu tenho para conseguir isso?

por MikkoP 23.02.2013 / 15:44

3 respostas


Você pode instalar o IIS Media Services , que deve ser capaz de fazer streaming local e muito mais. Eu não tentei isso sozinho.

por 23.02.2013 / 18:26

Parece que agora você precisa instalar isso da Microsoft.


por 16.11.2013 / 15:21

Supondo que seja um ps3, para transmissão de vídeo, eu recomendaria strongmente o PS3 Media Server .

PS3 Media Server is a DLNA-compliant UPnP Media Server. Originally written to support the PlayStation 3, PS3 Media Server has been expanded to support a range of other media renderers, including smartphones, televisions, music players and more - all of which are listed on the right. Because it is written in Java, PS3 Media Server supports all major operating systems, with versions for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. The program streams or transcodes many different media formats with little or no configuration. It is powered by MEncoder, FFmpeg, tsMuxeR and AviSynth, which combine to offer support for a wide range of media formats

Para transmitir para o Logitech Squeezebox eu daria Logitech Media Server uma chance.

Logitech Media Server is the server software that powers audio players from Logitech (formerly known as SlimDevices), including Squeezebox 3rd Generation, Squeezebox Boom, Squeezebox Receiver, Transporter, Squeezebox2, Squeezebox and SLIMP3. Logitech Media Server is the new name for Squeezebox Server, starting with version 7.7. Before it was known as Squeezebox Server (version 7.4 to 7.6) and SlimServer (before 7.4) Logitech Media Server is Open Source Software and written in Perl. Logitech Media Server runs on pretty much any platform that Perl runs on, including Linux, Mac OSX, Solaris and Windows.

por 10.06.2013 / 04:46