Eu tenho um novo MacBook Pro unibody e tenho interesse em atualizar o disco rígido para um SSD.
Isso pode ter me colocado no limite.
Estou tentando descobrir se alguém sabe ao certo se atualizar o HD em minha própria anula minha garantia. Eu ainda estou no primeiro ano coberto pela Apple. Ainda não comprei o AppleCare para este sistema.
Eu li o link mas não sou um tipo legal e não sou 100% de certeza que entendi corretamente.
Alguém tem conhecimento ou experiência em primeira mão sobre isso?
E, se anular a garantia, alguém sabe se um Apple Genius pode fazer isso por mim?
Eu comecei um bate-papo no e recebi esta informação:
Grace G:Hi, my name is Grace G. Welcome to Apple!
You: Hi there
Grace G: How are you?
You: Good, you?
You: Curious...I just bought a MBP a few months ago.
Grace G: Great, thanks!
Grace G: Okay.
You: Does it void my warranty if I upgrade the internal harddrive?
Grace G: It is not supported and may void your warranty, yes.
You: May void?
You: Is there somewhere on the apple site that explains this in plain english?
Grace G: One moment while I research that for you.
Grace G: Thank you for your patience. I'll be right with you.
Grace G: Thanks again for waiting. I'm not seeing that anywhere on our site. Let me refer you to the people who can best assist you. . .
Grace G: Our AppleCare Department is available at 1-800-275-2273.
Grace G: They will be able to give you the details on that.
Parece que outra ligação pode estar em ordem.
De um bate-papo on-line com o pessoal do OWC:
Scott Smith: Hello, Jason
Jason: Hi there
Scott Smith: Warranty is not voided
Scott Smith: However, if were to damage or impair any external or internal components it would would not be covered in said warranty
Jason: So, if I install it and have other problems...say bad monitor, I'd still be covered?
Scott Smith: Correct
De outro bate-papo on-line com a Apple:
Hi, my name is Andrew P. Welcome to Apple!
You: Hi Andrew
Andrew P: How are you?
You: Good, you?
Andrew P: I'm doing great.
You: Question: I have a new MBP 15" Does it void my warranty if I install a new hard drive into it?
Andrew P: Great question.
Andrew P: It wont void the warranty of the Mac, but the replaced hard drive wont be covered.
You: So, I can upgrade on my own and if the screen breaks for some reason I'm still covered?
You: (The screen has not broken...just an example)
Andrew P: If there is a manufacturer defect of a hardware component, that would be covered.
You: That's what I was looking for...thanks
Andrew P: You're welcome.